Thursday, June 24, 2010

SpinTunes 1: Round 1 Songs

You can find the album on BandCamp here: --> LINKAGE.

Vote for your 3 favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->

The deadline for the judges to get their reviews done is June 29th, at 11:59PM. The reviews & rankings will be posted on the 30th. If all the reviews get done before then, I'll post them earily. But the popular vote will stay open until the judges deadline. I'm not too concerned with the popular vote this round, since it's already been determined that everyone who finished a song in time advances to round 2. The only real effect the popular vote can have this round is helping to determine the order of the songs on the album if there's a tie in the judges rankings.

July 1st @ 1AM EST the round 2 challenge will be announced.

If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here:

The Ballad of Henry Pym by The Boffo Yux Dudes

Blofeld's Beginnings by Jenny Katz

Love Song From Robin To Batman by Danny Blackwell

Tough Jobs Vs Iron Gates by Kevin Savino-Riker

Save The World by Dr. Lindyke

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
If any competitors want to post reviews of the songs, they can do that in the comments section below. They can also e-mail me the review, and I'll post it here.

- A review from Dave Leigh.

- A review from Johannes Schult.

- Edric Haleen wrote a biography of his song "A Letter To Humanity".

- Caleb Hines wrote about his song "The Memoirs Of Clockwork Man".

- Here's a write up about "Step Back Swooperman" by The Offhand Band.

- Kevin Savino-Riker wrote about his song "Tough Jobs Vs Iron Gates".

- A Firestorm fan & blogger decided to feature Bryce's song on his website. You can check it out HERE.

- Russ Rogers (of Godz Poodlz) got this round a little press. COMICM!X

- Jules gave the round a shout out on Geeky Pleasures.

- Ross actually recorded 2 versions of his entry. Here's the one he didn't turn in. Take 2

- Tom & Al (Boffo Yux Dudes) share a little INFO about their song for this round.


  1. Awwww, mannnn....

    I missed the whole listening party... Stupid work.

    Is this going to be where the lyrics will be posted, or will that be on the BandCamp page?

    I'm going to enjoy this competition. I can FEEL it.
    Once my current project is complete, I'll get back to writing reviews, and SpinTunes will be a part of that, when ever that will be (expect mid-to-late summer).

  2. OK, I don't get how the popular vote relates to the judges ratings. Jules said that it would be a tiebreaker. I thought that Travis would be the tiebreaker.

    Is the popular vote open to everyone in the world or just the competitors?

  3. Steve: You can find details about the vote on the "Official Rules" page. It's in the left sidebar.

    I'm not really concerned much about the popular vote. If 2 people have the same score from the judges, the popular vote will be the first tie breaker. I don't really see that happening much, but it probably will happen a few times.

  4. where are the reviwes/ratings going to be, and when?

  5. I'll post the reviews, as soon as I get them from ALL the judges. They have a deadline of late evening on the 29th. So at the latest, I'll post them on the 30th. The day before the round 2 challenge is announced.

  6. I trust the judges to remember, but since I've already been publicly critiqued for my vocals even after I apologized for them myself at the listening party last night, I just thought I'd express my
    --gratitude that this is a songwriting contest and not a contest about vocals, performance, production, etc.
    --hope that everyone who votes remembers this :)

    --Mark a.k.a. OHB

  7. Mark, you're right it is a song writing competition, but the way the song is presented (vocals, performance, production, etc...) are fair game for judges. All the judges will have different opinions about the songs, and what's MOST important. You have to just take the good & bad feedback, and not take it personal. I'm thrilled you're a part of the competition, and I'm sure the judges respect everyone who entered.

  8. So I am generally a solo-acoustic kind of guy, and getting into this contest i was unsure what to expect, so I chose to work out a longer arrangement. As i completed it, something about it felt a little off, so i quickly recorded a solo version as well. I deliberated for awhile on which to send. Those interested in the solo version can hear it at


    I think I am partial to it, and think it may represent the emotional curve a little better, as far as the internal struggle of a hero fighting death.

    I really enjoyed my first listen to everyone's songs, i will try to write reviews while I m on a plane tomorrow.

  9. The link didn't work for me Ross.

  10. Darn auto spelling correction


    A correction to the previous comment would be much appreciated.

  11. There is a great "Biography of a Song" type posting by "The Offhand Band" for the song "Step Back Swooperman" at

    Just click on the "Story" tab to the song.

  12. I am so glad I am not a judge- and really grateful to those of you who are! After listening to everything multiple times, and trying to just choose 3, I can see what a chore it must be to have to make these decisions.
    For instance, my first time along I usually do notes on the songs and rate stuff from 1-5, with fives for the best songs. WAY too many fives here! OK, go through again and take more notes...add "really" between "I" and "like this one". Sigh. Still too many great ones! Added underlines...exclaimation points...etc etc. Finally got it down to 3 but it sure wasn't easy! Thanks for the great music everyone :o)

  13. Tho Niv may have said stuff we found aggro
    he DIDN'T act like a pendejo
    so lets respond to critique
    which isn't ours to speak
    with a bit more class, please before we go ...
