Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SpinTunes 1: Round 2 Songs

You can find the "SpinTunes 1: Round 2" album on BandCamp here: --> LINKAGE.

The deadline for the judges to get their reviews done is July 16th, at 11:59PM EST. The reviews & rankings will be posted on the 17th. If all the reviews get done before then, I'll post them earily. But the popular vote will stay open until the judges deadline.

3 people were already eliminated for not making the deadline, but another 5 will be eliminated by the judges this round. Good luck everyone.

Sunday July 18th @ 1AM EST the round 3 challenge will be announced.


A Little Time
Sara Parson made a video for her song this round.

Minutes And Hours
Dr. Lindyke is Dave Leigh & William Hoover, and this is Dave playing their round 2 shadow.

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:

- I had a shadow for round 1 turned in during round 2. This is "They Don't Want Me" by Mick Bordet.

- Dave Leigh wrote a review of the songs from round 2. LINKAGE

- Dave also decided to review songs that weren't submitted....I found it funny. LINKAGE

- Tom of the "Boffo Yux Dudes also wrote a review of this round. LINKAGE

- Here's a bio about Mark's song "Another Universe".

- Travis wrote a bio about his song "Eleyna Dreams".

- Heather wrote a bio for her song "Bullseye". (Part 2 & Part 3)

- Edric wrote a little about his song "Love".

- JoAnn wrote about her song "Life".


  1. Just noticed - The BYD shadow track didn't make it onto the ReverbNation Widget.

  2. It's on there now. I e-mailed Heather about it. #BlameHeather
