Saturday, July 17, 2010

SpinTunes #1 Round 2 Totals

So here are the links to the individual reviews:

Heather Zink - Julia Sherred - Joe "Covenant" Lamb - Sammy Kablam - Niveous

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

Since 3 people (Ryan Welton, Bram Tant & Jon Eric) missed the deadline, those people are eliminated. The bottom 5 from the judges totals are also eliminated. Thank you for submitting your songs, and putting in the hard work to compete. I hope to see you all back for SpinTunes #2 down the road. I also hope you decide to shadow the next 2 rounds.

Thank you,

The round 3 challenge will be announced: July 18th 1AM (Sun).

Gorbzilla & Steve Durand both tied, so I went to the popular vote to determine album order.

80 - Edric Haleen
65 - Governing Dynamics
63 - Ross Durand
61 - Caleb Hines
58 - "Buckethat" Bobby
52 - Sara Parsons
51 - Kevin Savino-Riker
48 - Godz Poodlz
44 - Gorbzilla
44 - Steve Durand
42 - Charlie McCarron
39 - Offhand Band
38 - Jenny Katz (eliminated)
37 - Denise Hudson (eliminated)
21 - Heather Miller (eliminated)
12 - JoAnn Abbott (eliminated)
10 - Emperor Gum (eliminated)

Popular Vote Results:
21 - The Offhand Band
12 - Edric Haleen
10 - Ross Durand
10 - Governing Dynamics
10 - Kevin Savino-Riker
8 - JoAnn Abbott
8 - Gorbzilla
7 - Godz Poodlz
6 - “BucketHat” Bobby
6 - Jenny Katz
5 - Sara Parsons
5 - Heather Miller
4 - Charlie McCarron
3 - Caleb Hines
3 - Denise Hudson
1 - Emperor Gum
0 - Steve Durand

Heather Zink:
17 - Edric Haleen
16 - Gorbzilla
15 - “BucketHat” Bobby
14 - Sara Parsons
13 - Ross Durand
12 - The Offhand Band
11 - Caleb Hines
10 - Godz Poodlz
9 - Governing Dynamics
8 - Jenny Katz
7 - Denise Hudson
6 - Charlie McCarron
5 - Steve Durand
4 - Kevin Savino-Riker
3 - Heather Miller
2 - JoAnn Abbott
1 - Emperor Gum

Julia Sherred:
17 - Edric Haleen
16 - "Buckethat" Bobby
15 - Godz Poodlz
14 - Caleb Hines
13 - Governing Dynamics
12 - Charlie McCarron
11 - Ross Durand
10 - Denise Hudson
9 - Offhand Band
8 - Kevin Savino-Riker
7 - Jenny Katz
6 - Heather Miller
5 - Sara Parsons
4 - Steve Durand
3 - Emperor Gum
2 - Gorbzilla
1 - JoAnn Abbott

Joe "Covenant" Lamb:
17 - Ross Durand
16 - Edric Haleen
15 - "Buckethat" Bobby
14 - Sara Parsons
13 - Denise Hudson
12 - Governing Dynamics
11 - Kevin Savino-Riker
10 - Jenny Katz
9 - Caleb Hines
8 - Steve Durand
7 - Gödz Pöödlz
6 - The Offhand Band
5 - JoAnn Abbot
4 - Gorbzilla
3 - Emperor Gum
2 - Charlie McCarron
1 - Heather Miller

Sammy Kablam:
17 - Edric Haleen
16 - Caleb Hines
15 - Ross Durand
14 - Governing Dynamics
13 - Kevin Savino-Riker
12 - Gorbzilla
11 - Steve Durand
10 - Charlie McCarron
9 - The Offhand Band
8 - Godz Poodlz
7 - Heather Miller
6 - "Buckethat" Bobby
5 - Sara Parsons
4 - Jenny Katz
3 - JoAnn Abbott
2 - Denise Hudson
1 - Emperor Gum

17 - Governing Dynamics
16 - Steve Durand
15 - Kevin Savino-Riker
14 - Sara Parsons
13 - Edric Haleen
12 - Charlie McCarron
11 - Caleb Hines
10 -Gorbzilla
9 - Jenny Katz
8 - Godz Poodlz
7 - Ross Durand
6 - Buckethat
5 - Denise Hudson
4 - Heather Miller
3 - The Offhand Band
2 - Emperor Gum
1 - Jo Ann Abbott


  1. Once again, I thought I'd write in to say a couple of things. First (again) is to thank the judges for the effort and thought they put into their reviews; to thank Travis for overseeing all; and to thank the songwriters for their songs. There are "best feet" being put forward ALL OVER THE PLACE so far, which is fantastic to see. Keep it up!

    Second -- a moment to remember our fallen comrades. Anything billing itself as a "contest" or "competition" invariably sets up what can easily be thought of as "winners" and "losers." So let it be said right now that the people leaving the ranks of "active competitors" this round are anything but "losers." I admire the commitment and resolve of ANYONE who submits songs under "competitive" circumstances such as these!

    Back in Masters of Song Fu #2, I was "voted off the island" in the very first round. Shadow entries were not yet in vogue, so I waited for two months for the chance to get back into Song Fu #3 and to start writing more songs. The Song Fu "rules-change" that made me the happiest was when Ken allowed that ALL the competitors could submit songs for ALL THREE of the initial rounds -- thereby allowing for more music and more songwriting! It's always sad to see musicians "disappear" and take their creativity with them...

    Finally -- I'd like to take a quick moment to honor one songwriter in particular. It was perhaps inevitable -- perhaps not -- that JoAnn Abbott would be one of the songwriters to fall victim to the first wave of eliminations due to "dearth of points." JoAnn may be climbing a steeper learning curve of any of the rest of us. But she's scrapped her way to a place where she has submitted two songs for SpinTunes -- two songs that already give hints of what even more she'll be able to do with added experience and resources. And more than that? She's already pledged herself to shadowing, and is awaiting the Round 3 challenge right along with the twelve people/groups still "officially in it."

    I'm proud of JoAnn in particular. I'm proud of all the people LIKE JoAnn participating in SpinTunes in general. And I'm REALLY proud that, for two rounds now, JoAnn has been able to thank so many SpinTune-ers who have offered help or information or answers -- or even full accompaniments -- as she's been working on her songs! I'm glad of the sense of community that exists surrounding SpinTunes -- and I hope it only grows and strengthens as the rounds progress!

    (My two cents.)



  2. Well...
    I know HOW it happened, but its weird that two people who were not in the bottom five of the majority of the judges were eliminated.
    (Jenny and Denise).
    But (just as an example) another who scored sub 10 for all but one of the judges goes through...
    Weird, huh?
    Glad the public vote isn't included.. look at the differences! ;' )
