Tuesday, July 27, 2010

SpinTunes 1: Round 3 Songs

You can find the "SpinTunes 1: Round 3" album on BandCamp here: --> LINKAGE.

The deadline for the judges to get their reviews done is July 30th, at 11:59PM EST. The reviews & rankings will be posted on the 31st. The popular vote will stay open until the judges deadline.

3 people were already eliminated for not making the deadline, but another 7 will be eliminated by the judges this round. Good luck everyone.

Sunday August 1st @ 1AM EST the round 4 challenge will be announced.


Had To Be You
Sara Parsons made a video for her entry.

Always Be My Girl
Russ Rogers (half of Godz Poodlz) performing a song written for this round.

Promise To My Son
Heather Miller got to perform her round 3 song live at the Rocky Mountain Song School she visited.

Mercy Killing
Denise Hudson made a video for her shadow.

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
- Dave of "Dr. Lindyke" wrote a song bio for their shadow entry. LINKAGE

- Mark AKA The Offhand Band wrote a song bio for his round 3 entry. LINKAGE

- Kevin wrote a song bio for his round 3 song. LINKAGE

- JoAnn wrote a song bio for her shadow song. LINKAGE

- Travis AKA Governing Dynamics wrote a song bio for his entry. LINKAGE

- Heather wrote a song bio for her shadow entry. LINKAGE

- Caleb wrote a song bio for his song. LINKAGE

- Dave of "Dr. Lindyke" wrote a review for this round. LINKAGE

- Brian wrote a little about his shadow entry. LINKAGE


  1. For what it's worth, i just wanted to be sure the judges get that, although i am male, my song was meant to have a female protagonist.I think that comes through in the words, but just in case.

  2. At least a few of the judges are used to Edric singing from a female p.o.v., no worries. :p

  3. Just for the record, after the discussion about the poll last round, I came really close to not even publicizing a vote request at all for this round. I did so mainly because at the listening party Jules more or less told everyone to do so sort of unabashedly. I was going to comment on the poll page but comments don't seem to be open there, so I'm writing here.

    You can see my request here -- http://theoffhandband.com/2010/07/my-song-in-round-3-of-spintunes-1/ -- and the email version I sent out had almost identical language. Compared to my previous requests, I don't simply say "Vote for..." anywhere at all, there are no exclamation points to cheerily rouse support, and I very clearly tell people that they can vote for up to three songs and that I hope they'll listen to them all, vote for the ones they like best, and that I simply hope that mine is one.

    I hope this quells any concerns anyone has about at least my participation with the poll.

    Mark a.k.a. OHB

  4. Is Sara's *video* the same recording as on the bandcamp page?? Cos it sounded a bit muddy to me on bandcamp?
    Weird if it is....

  5. I don't know Joe, I uploaded what I was sent.

  6. I got my songs bio up on my journal page, please take a look and comment! http://calliopeva.livejournal.com/

  7. I talk a bit about my entry, it's influences, and the contest at the song page on my site. I wouldn't call it a bio by any stretch, but if you care to read it, it's at http://sites.google.com/site/briangraymusic/songs/not-even-close

  8. While we're all waiting for the reviews and results. I just wanted to say that, whatever happens, I have really enjoyed being a part of this competition. I have participated in several other somewhat similar online amateur songwriting challenge communities, and I appreciated the focus this one placed on the writing and the very positive nature of everyone here. If another one of these comes around I hope to participate again. Thanks to Travis and everyone involved for making this a fun experience (so far, fingers crossed).

  9. Thanks Ross. Whenever SpinTunes #2 rolls around we would love to have you involved again. Hopefully I'll do a better job planning, and it'll run better next time.

  10. Thank you Bryce.. you are very wise... ;' )
