Saturday, July 31, 2010

SpinTunes #1 Round 3 Totals

So here are the links to the individual reviews:

Heather Zink - Julia Sherred - Joe "Covenant" Lamb - Niveous - Sammy Kablam

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

Since 3 people (Godz Poodlz, Gorbzilla & "Buckethat" Bobby Matheson) missed the deadline, those people are eliminated. The bottom 7 from the judges totals are also eliminated.

I really hope we get some shadows in round 4, from people who competed in round 3. If Kevin or Ross fail to enter a song on time, I will be taking the highest ranking shadow song to take their place in round 4. So based on the standing in round 3, if Mark shadows...his song would be first in line as alternate. Followed by Caleb, Edric, etc...

Thank you everyone & good luck guys,

The round 4 challenge will be announced: August 1st 1AM EST (Sun).

The Offhand Band & Caleb Hines both tied, so I went to the popular vote to determine album order & tie breaker...which could be important this time.

37 - Kevin Savino-Riker
34 - Ross Durand
27 - Offhand Band (eliminated)
27 - Caleb Hines (eliminated)
26 - Edric Haleen (eliminated)
25 - Governing Dynamic (eliminated)
24 - Steve Durand (eliminated)
17 - Sara Parsons (eliminated)
8 - Charlie McCarron (eliminated)

Popular Vote Results:
31 - Kevin Savino-Riker
28 - Offhand Band
14 - Governing Dynamic
12 - Caleb Hines
10 - Edric Haleen
11 - Sara Parsons
8 - Ross Durand
6 - Charlie McCarron
4 - Steve Durand

9 - Steve Durand
8 - Kevin Savino-Riker
7 - Ross Durand
6 - Offhand Band
5 - Edric Haleen
4 - Sara Parsons
3 - Governing Dynamic
2 - Caleb Hines
1 - Charlie McCarron

Sammy Kablam:
9 - Kevin Savino-Riker
8 - Ross Durand
7 - Edric Haleen
6 - Caleb Hines
5 - Steve Durand
4 - Governing Dynamic
3 - Offhand Band
2 - Sara Parsons
1 - Charlie McCarron

Joe "Covenant" Lamb:
9 - Offhand Band
8 - Ross Durand
7 - Edric Haleen
6 - Sara Parsons
5 - Steve Durand
4 - Caleb Hines
3 - Governing Dynamic
2 - Kevin Savino-Riker
1 - Charlie McCarron

Julia Sherred:
9 - Kevin Savino-Riker
8 - Caleb Hines
7 - Governing Dynamics
6 - Ross Durand
5 - Edric Haleen
4 - Charlie McCarron
3 - The Offhand Band
2 - Steve Durand
1 - Sara Parsons

Heather Zink:
9 - Kevin Savino-Riker
8 - Governing Dynamics
7 - Caleb Hines
6 - The Offhand Band
5 - Ross Durand
4 - Sara Parsons
3 - Steve Durand
2 - Edric Haleen
1 - Charlie McCarron


  1. CONGRATS to Kevin and Ross!

    And congrats to EVERYONE involved in SpinTunes #1 -- it's been a great ride! Lots of creativity on display; lots of great music going out into the world. What better than that?


  2. Congratulations, Kevin and Ross! This round really had me at a loss in picking only three entries to vote for in the poll. Now that I've done one myself, I have even more respect for those who do this round after round, knowing they can be eliminated for a single misstep. Can't wait to see the final challenge and hear the results.

  3. Spin,
    I just want to express my appreciation for your efforts to put on this contest. I think you've done a great job and things have worked out about as good as one could expect.


  4. Thanks Steve, I give myself a C+. I hope to do better next time, but it's good to know I didn't totally screw this up. :p

    PS: People should keep an eye on their e-mail inbox. I'll be sending everyone a little survey about SpinTunes#1. Your feedback will be considered in the planning of SpinTunes#2.

  5. Thanks Travis and everyone! Wow, this is crazy. Can't wait to get frustrated all to hell over the challenge tomorrow...

    You all rock my world.
