Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SpinTunes #2: Election Results

Just a reminder as to what you voted on:

Issue #1:
Do you want the popular vote to be a 6th judge in SpinTunes #2?
Yes or No

Issue #2:
Should we continue to reset the scores each round or move to a cumulative scoring system?
Fresh Start or Cumulative

Issue #3:
Who should make the challenges?
Spin or Spin & The Judges

Issue #4:
Should judges be allowed to return for consecutive contests in a row?
Yes or No

Feel free to check my Math...I'm not Edric. :p But I totaled up the votes, and this is what I got:

Issue #1:
Yes: 5
No: 11
NP: 1

Issue #2:
Fresh Start: 8
Cumulative: 8
NP: 1

Issue #3:
Spin: 2
Spin & The Judges: 14
NP: 1

Issue #4:
Yes: 14
No: 1
NP: 2

(NP = No Preference)

This does not include my 'vote', and since 1 issue was tied, that basically means I decide. It should come as no shock that I'm going to pick "Fresh Start" over "Cumulative".

Since you guys don't seem to care if judges repeat, I'll keep that in mind. I will try to get new judges most of the time though. If there's someone I really want to return, or that you all really want to could happen though.

I'll continue to brain storm ideas for challenges WITH the judges in TinyChat, and popular vote as a 6th judge isn't going to least not in the near future.

Now that the voting is done, I'll start working on the rules & stuff a little more. I'll probably get a lot of it done this weekend.

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