Monday, October 25, 2010

Round 2 LP & Deadline News

20 people/bands managed to tough it out through round 1, but only 17 of them managed to turn in a song for round 2. wait WHAT, Austin Criswell & Charlie Wolf have missed the deadline & have been eliminated. There will be 5 more people eliminated by the judges before the round 3 challenge is announced.

I have finished uploading the 17 entries, and so far have 4 shadows uploaded as well. Hopefully we will get a few more shadows before the LP (I really hope the 3 people eliminated turn something in late), but it's a good batch of tunes already.

Listening Party:
It will be hosted by me at the following address:

It will officially start at 8PM Cincinnati time, (check the counter) TODAY. I will probably start broadcasting a little early just to make sure everything is set up & ready, but won't start the SpinTunes songs until 8PM. All songs will be available for FREE listen & download shortly after the LP.


  1. I'd like to admit that I screwed up. I posted a sequel to The Beatles' When I'm Sixty-Four without doing the proper research.

    Turns out it was never a single, so didn't chart. A 1967 instrumental cover version reached #43, but that doesn't count either.

    Although I'm entirely to blame and will completely understand if I get NUL POINTS across the board, I do think When I'm Sixty-Four is a famous song. A very famous song. Like I'd be amazed if anyone didn't know it. That's all.

    I'm really looking forward to hearing everyone else's entries. At least I made the deadline...

  2. Some of these titles look very promising! Also, Edric is crazy.

  3. Ben: Whether it gets 100 points or 0, I'm sure everyone will love the fact you turned it in.

    Bryce: You're stating the obvious.

  4. Ben -
    I searched for awhile to see if it charted in Belgium or somewhere else, but it wasn't released as a single. I've been there myself with the superhero song - we didn't make it POV - doesn't make it a bad song, just it doesn't fit all the criteria. It's up to the judges as to how much they take off on that.

    Looking forward to hearing the song. I once turned 'When I'm Sixty Four' into a 6 second 'short song'. Drove people mad. I'll have to find it for you.


  5. I don't think anyone would argue that it's not actually famous. In fact, it may well be the ONLY Beatles song that I can sincerely say I enjoy.

    That said, Top Twenty was specified. Won't take away from the quality of the song, of course, but will likely take away from the validity of the entry.
