Sunday, October 17, 2010

SpinTunes #2 Round 1 Totals

So here are the links to the individual reviews:

Dr. Lindyke - Glen Phillips - Kevin Savino-Riker - Jeff MacDougall - Zack Scott

Alternate Judge's Review: Spin

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

Judges feel free to check my totals...I'm tired...mistakes are possible. However if my figures are correct the 8 people in bold have been eliminated from the contest. I really hope they decide to continue in the contest as shadows, and I thank EVERYONE for their hard work this round.

Judges Totals:
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 127
Chris Cogott - 123
Zarni De Wet - 122
Ryan Ruff Smith - 114
Gweebol - 111
Ross Durand - 102
Ben Walker - 96
Edric Haleen - 94
Governing Dynamics - 88
Brian Gray - 87
Rebecca Brickley - 81
Steve Durand - 76
Danny Blackwell - 72
wait WHAT - 71
Charlie McCarron - 71
Austin Criswell - 70
Inverse T. Clown - 69
Duality - 65
Common Lisp - 65
Charlie Wolf - 56
Ominous Ride - 55
Russ Rogers - 50
Emperor Gum - 45
Heather Miller - 41
The Boffo Yux Dudes - 35
JoAnn Abbott - 28
Swatshots - 11
*David Ritter - 5

*was DQ'ed by the judges which meant ALL the judges had to have him in last no matter how much they liked the song.

Dr. Lindyke:
28 - Governing Dynamics
27 - Zarni De Wet
26 - Ominous Ride
25 - Mitchell Adam Johnson
24 - Ben Walker
23 - Ross Durand
22 - Edric Haleen
21 - wait WHAT
20 - Gweebol
19 - Steve Durand
18 - Ryan Ruff Smith
17 - Chris Cogott
16 - Rebecca Brickley
15 - Austin Criswell
14 - Charlie McCarron
13 - Heather Miller
12 - Brian Gray
11 - Inverse T. Clown
10 - Duality
9 - Emperor Gum
8 - The Boffo Yux Dudes
7 - Charlie Wolf
6 - Danny Blackwell
5 - JoAnn Abbott
4 - Common Lisp
3 - Russ Rogers
2 - Swatshots
1 - David Ritter

Kevin Savino-Riker:
28 - Zarni De Wet
27 - Ryan Ruff Smith
26 - Gweebol
25 - Chris Cogott
24 - Mitchell Adam Johnson
23 - Ross Durand
22 - Ben Walker
21 - Edric Haleen
20 - Rebecca Brickley
19 - Brian Gray
18 - Inverse T. Clown
17 - Common Lisp
16 - Steve Durand
15 - Duality
14 - wait WHAT
13 - Danny Blackwell
12 - Charlie McCarron
11 - Governing Dynamics
10 - The Boffo Yux Dudes
9 - Heather Miller
8 - Ominous Ride
7 - Russ Rogers
6 - Charlie Wolf
5 - Austin Criswell
4 - JoAnn Abbott
3 - Emperor Gum
2 - Swatshots
1 - David Ritter

Glen Phillips:
28 - Chris Cogott
27 - Ryan Ruff Smith
26 - Mitchell Adam Johnson
25 - Ross Durand
24 - Zarni De Wet
23 - Steve Durand
22 - Austin Criswell
21 - Charlie McCarron
20 - Gweebol
19 - Duality
18 - Governing Dynamics
17 - Danny Blackwell
16 - Charlie Wolf
15 - Emperor Gum
14 - Brian Gray
13 - Russ Rogers
12 - wait WHAT
11 - Rebecca Brickley
10 - Common Lisp
9 - Edric Haleen
8 - Inverse T. Clown
7 - The Boffo Yux Dudes
6 - JoAnn Abbott
5 - Heather Miller
4 - Ominous Ride
3 - Ben Walker
2 - Swatshots
1 - David Ritter

Jeff MacDougall:
28 - Mitch Adam Johnson
27 - Edric Haleen
26 - Chris Cogott
25 - Danny Blackwell
24 - Ryan Ruff Smith
23 - Gweebol
22 - Brian Gray
21 - Rebecca Brickley
20 - Zarni De Wet
19 - Ben Walker
18 - Common Lisp
17 - Russ Rogers
16 - Charlie McCarron
15 - Charile Wolf
14 - Ross Durand
13 - Steve Durand
12 - Duality
11 - JoAnn Abbott
10 - Ominous Ride
9 - Austin Criswell
8 - Heather Miller
7 - Inverse T. Clown
6 - The Boffo Yux Dudes
5 - Governing Dynamics
4 - Emperor Gum
3 - wait WHAT
2 - Swatshots
1 - David Ritter

Zack Scott:
28 - Ben Walker
27 - Chris Cogott
26 - Governing Dynamics
25 - Inverse T. Clown
24 - Mitchell Adam Johnson
23 - Zarni De Wet
22 - Gweebol
21 - wait WHAT
20 - Brian Gray
19 - Austin Criswell
18 - Ryan Ruff Smith
17 - Ross Durand
16 - Common Lisp
15 - Edric Haleen
14 - Emperor Gum
13 - Rebecca Brickly
12 - Charlie Wolf
11 - Danny Blackwell
10 - Russ Rogers
9 - Duality
8 - Charlie McCarron
7 - Ominous Ride
6 - Heather Miller
5 - Steve Durand
4 - The Boffo Yux Dudes
3 - Swatshots
2 - JoAnn Abbott
1 - David Ritter

Popular Vote Totals:
Rebecca Brickley - 33
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 32
David Ritter - 31
Edric Haleen - 22
Chris Cogott - 22
Heather Miller - 22
Brian Gray - 21
Zarni De Wet - 17
Gweebol - 15
Austin Criswell - 14
Governing Dynamics - 14
Duality - 13
The Boffo Yux Dudes - 12
Ryan Ruff Smith - 11
Ross Durand - 11
Ben Walker - 11
wait WHAT - 9
Inverse T. Clown - 8
JoAnn Abbott - 8
Charlie McCarron - 7
Danny Blackwell - 5
Ominous Ride - 4
Russ Rogers - 4
Common Lisp - 4
Charlie Wolf - 3
Emperor Gum - 3
Steve Durand - 3
Swatshots - 1
(167 total votes)


  1. Well, great job everyone. (except me)

    I just wanted to say a couple things. Judges, I'm sorry I pissed a couple of you off - it wasn't personal, so please don't take it that way. I saw the challenge, then wanted to write within the challenge, but be right out there on the edge. Basically I wanted to write something different but within the rules. Looks like I failed at that.

    I've been writing a song a week since January - so I did actually write this song for the competition. I mean, I was writing a song that week anyway so why not write it about/for the competition. If you think I just stuck Stillwater into a song I already wrote, you'd be mistaken.

    Sorry for not following the rules. I didn't mean to make anyone mad. I took the challenge very seriously (just ask my wife). I just tried writing around the rules and it didn't work out.

    I haven't decided if I'm going to shadow the rest or not (I'd really love to). I'm not sure most of the judges would bother reviewing mine after the comments they wrote.

    A lot of great songs - congrats to you all.

  2. David, I know you wrote it for the contest. For those who may have been unsure of this...Dave did contact me and ask if you could write a song for the challenge, and then use it for his other project.

    I would be very happy if you submitted shadows, and it would get at least 1 review from me. I don't force the judges to review shadows, but if they do it's always appreciated. Whether they review it, I'm sure everyone would love to hear mor from you.

  3. I look forward to hearing more from everyone. One song is a fairly worthless way to make a decision about an artist.

  4. David -

    Good to see more feedback about this - I assumed it was a repurposed song - my error.

    I'd like to hear you shadowing songs going forward (I'll be joining you, since we're off the island now) and I think the judges have been getting better in reviewing the shadow songs. I know I'd be a little frustrated to get no feedback after submitting one.

    The Boffo Yux Dudes

  5. Hey all - awesome work this round! I had a lot of fun hearing what everyone threw down.

    For the record, Ruff is my actual middle name, so no quotes needed. No biggie, of course, but just wanted to mention that in case anyone thought it was a lame self-appointed/self-aggrandizing nickname or a pathetic attempt to sound tough. Its my mom's last name, and I identify strongly with both sides of my family, so I like to use my full name for music stuff.

    Good luck with the sequels! Going to be an interesting challenge for sure.

  6. Ryan...I will correct the quotes in your name. My bad.

  7. I'm suddenly very uncertain about calling myself Sammy "Paul" Kablam.
