Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SpinTunes #2 Champion: Mitchell Adam Johnson

Runner Up: Chris Cogott
3rd: Zarni De Wet
4th: Rebecca Brickley

Congratulations Mitchell! You survived all 4 rounds, and you've earned the blue ribbon. Wish I had more to give you, but everyone knows the real prize the music you helped create & share. It was great having you involved in the contest, and I do hope to see you in SpinTunes #3 as a judge or competitor. (expect an e-mail in early June about judging) If we ever get t-shirts made for SpinTunes, I'll make sure you & Kevin are the first to get one.

I want to say well done to all the other finalists as well. You all earned your way into the finals, and I could have been happy with any of you being the SpinTunes #2 champion.

Totals & Reviews:
In the end 21 of 25 people sent in their votes/rankings, and the final count was:

Mitchell - 70
Chris - 63
Zarni - 44
Rebecca - 33

Popular vote totals:

Mitchell - 162
Zarni - 56
Chris - 24
Rebecca - 3

Kevin Savino-Riker - Dr. Lindyke - Zack Scott - Jeff MacDougall - Glen Phillips

Guest Judge's Review: Sara Parsons
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin

Album Cover:
Dave tied JoAnn in the album cover vote (31-31), and since I never made a tiebreaker rule I guess that means it's my decision. Well, I'm going with Dave. I liked both, but his gave me a chuckle when I first saw it. Congrats Dave, your cover will be used. Thank you both for contributing.

Thank You
Not only to the finalists, but to everyone that signed up or participated in SpinTunes. Judges, shadows, fans who listened & voted... I think this contest had far less bumps in the road than the first one. There are still a few improvements & adjustments to make, but don't expect major changes in the next edition...just a few minor ones. Please feel free to leave feedback about the contest in the comments section or e-mail me your thoughts. I'll read through everything before starting the next contest.

I'll be updating the "SpinTunes Hall Of Fame & Records" page sometime this week. In case anyone is interested knowing more about how the stats have changed from 1 contest to the next. I will also be announcing the first SpinTunes 'side project' in the next week or so. This will not be a 'contest'...but more info on that later.

The next contest will probably start around late June or early July. (I plan on it being after Nur Ein VI)

If you need something to keep you busy until the next contest there are plenty of options. You have Nur Ein VI in the spring, Song Fight always has something going on, Edric has his Song Writing Cycle starting in March & like I said...there will be a side project posted here in a week. Keep an eye on the blog & the @SpinTunes twitter feed for updates.


  1. Hi, everyone!

    Once more -- thanks and congrats to everyone! I hope we have many returning musicians to SpinTunes #3 -- even if it's a tremendous wait to get there. (And thanks, Travis, for plugging the next Songwriting Cycle!)


  2. It was a lot of fun, and thank _you_ for all the work in putting the whole thing together!

    I'm looking forward to #3.

  3. Nice contest.
    I still think it should go back to cumulative votes, some of the 'rejections' from the last round kinda proved that.. (to ME anyway)
    Anyway.. Well done all.

  4. Thanks for all the fun! If you would like to hear more of my music, go to:




  5. Congrats to you Mitchell. Well done! And to whoever your vocalist is, she is awesome. Great voice.

    I had tons o' fun in this competition. Great job by all. Thanks Travis for putting this together and thanks to all the judges throughout the entire show.

  6. Congratulations, Mitchell! Just wanted you to know that I may or may not have voted for you for FIRST PLACE!

  7. Chris- Thanks a lot, man. I thought your songs kicked ass. We oughta make some music sometime.

    Brian- I don't know what to make of your cryptic comment, so I'll just say, "right on."

  8. Congrats to Mitchell Adam Johnson and also many thanks to all of the SpinTunes #2 competitors, shadowers, and, of course, T-Lang! It's amazing that such a new contest could result in so many awesome songs. Inspiring, to say the least! :)

  9. Thanks Mitchell! I'm up for making some music. Just shoot me an email.
