Saturday, November 13, 2010

SpinTunes #2 Round 3 Review: Zack Scott

Hey everyone, Zack Scott here again. So far I've been enjoying the judge role, and it's really cool to see how you guys attack each challenge. I liked a lot of the topics people chose and the way they addressed them in the lyrics, but to be honest, I only enjoyed listening to about half of them. As a complete musical package, only a few shined and really gave the historical figures true life. Below are my reviews.

Governing Dynamics (Los Alamos) - This somber tune really picks up and delivers the best lyrics of the entries, and I have a soft spot for falsetto background vocals. Reading through the lyrics, I really get a great feeling for this character. I also like the nuclear/science theme. Both the character and the theme were amplified by the tone of the music. It could have rocked more, but this was the only song I wanted to hear more than once.

Charlie McCarron (Queen Of Heart) - A really elegant song with great instrumentation and vocal delivery. Does a really great job of capturing the historical event without being too specific.

Inverse T. Clown (I Have A Leap) - Starts off sounding like an 80s theme-song, but the piano starts to annoy me after awhile. This song is not as exciting musically or lyrically as his previous entries. However, I really appreciate how Inverse really utilized the "fictional" loophole. Basically, given the criteria, any of these musicians could have written a song about anything. But Inverse used the loophole in a respectful manner.

Ross Durand (Ivan Vaughan) - A decent song with a great topic that touches on the history of music. Excellent guitar work too.

Chris Cogott (Final Flight) - Excellent bass work! I'm glad to hear a rocking song again, but sometimes the song seemed too busy. It walked a fine line between rock I like and rock I don't though.

Rebecca Brickley (Oh Mercy) - I really love the vocals (even more than the Remix), but the song seems messy at times. I also really appreciate how the song builds into a really singable chorus. The song overall seems too long though.

Edric Haleen (I Was There) - Really creative vocal performance, but I kept waiting for this music itself to pick up into something more dynamic and grand. I was disappointed it didn't happen. I really like the theme though.

Mitchell Adam Johnson (Picture Of Love) - Provides great throwbacks to an earlier era of music, which is neat to hear for a historical song about the music world.

Zarni DeWet (Eric) - A really nice but slow song. It's not really my style, but I really liked the daring choice of subject matter. Also, as the song progresses, it does get more exciting.

Gweebol (She Said, As She Handed Him The Telephone) - I definitely liked the topic choice, but for some reason the song and music didn't do it for me. As always, the vocals were good.

Steve Durand (Cuban Missile Mambo) - A somewhat fun song that ventured really far into the cheesy side of things. Great instrumentation, although I don't like this style of music.

Ryan Ruff Smith (The Driver 'Dallas, 1963') - This song didn't really do it for me. Seemed a bit too sleepy for what it was trying to convey, and it just wasn't my style.

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