Saturday, June 25, 2011

SpinTunes #3 Round 1 Review: Ben Davila

Governing Dynamics – Alive Again
• Catchy Guitar. Reminds me of Granddaddy
• Good harmonies in the chourse
• Nice modulation

Gold Lion – The After Life
• I like the conversation and wine glass in the bridge
• Nice harmonies on the shall la la part
• Maybe try to boost some of the low end on your acoustic guitar for a warmer tone.

Dr. Lindyke – Wake Me When It’s Over
• Good melody reminds me of like Elton john

Alex Polasky - You Will Never Die
• Good minimal intro
• I like the the breath sounds
• chorus is catchy but could be bigger

The Offhand Band – All Over
• I like that you are telling a story
• Good Beatles reference
• Reminds me of a song that would be on the Muppet show.
• Nice Billie Preston solo/outro

Mat Walton – We’re All Going To Die
• I love the ukulele
• Like that use death as a unifier
• Loved the laugh

Brian Daniell – Cubbies Will Win
• I love the feel nice groove
• The bass line makes me want to dance
• Fun. I loved this

Byron Blocker & The Offbeats – She’s Dead
• To misogynistic for my taste
• Calling the ladies bitches alienates a lot of potential listeners
• Recorded well
• Good sound, reminded me of a mix of tom waits and the choral

Edric Haleen – Cubbies Will Win
• Very Musical Theater
• I love this song Is but you to should get a divorce
• Good balance of light and dark
• Great vocal performance
• Please don’t kill anyone!
• Loved the ending

Charlie McCarron – Grandma And Grandpa
• Nice guitar
• Nice chord changes
• Good bridge
• Not exactly a happy song but definitely a beautiful one

Spencer Sokol – Keeping Calm
• I like the Tambourine
• I like when the vocals get more intense

Luke Brekke, Esqure – Cannibal
• Please don’t eat anyone!
• Don’t know if this is as much happy as just hilarious
• Original approach to the challenge
• Dark
• Laugh should have more reverb

Buckethat Bobby Matheson – No Worries
• I love accordions
• Looking on the bright side
• Catchy chorus

Alex Carpenter – The Day I Died
• not happy but poppy
• good emo song
• don’t do anything rash

Inverse T. Clown – Caroline Is Dead
• good vox intro
• Dark but funny
• Lost me at the end with the bitch line

Jutze – I love The Dead
• Funny concept
• Catchy chorus

Godz Poodlz – Wake At The Sunnyside
• Catchy song
• funny concept
• nice modulation

Tally Deushane – My Dead Fish
• Cute
• Like the ukulele
• I love this song
• Very original
• Good lyrics

Ethan Ivey – The Four-Year Itch
• Dark but funny
• Good piano

Matt And Donna – Lady On The Gray
• Love the backing vov
• Nice horn solo
• Very ben folds
• Great chorus
• Nice ending

Ross Durand – No Taxes
• Nice 12 string sound
• Great lyrics
• Great chorus funny and sweat
• Brilliant bridge
• I love this song

Menage’ A Tune – Isn’t It Nice
• Like that you told a story
• Dark but cut good balance

Glen Raphael - When You’re Dead
• Cool intro
• Like the spoons
• Cool vocal bass line

Doom SKITTLE – A Better Place
• Nice tempo change
• Not exactly happy

Wait What – Death: Everyone’s Dong It
• Reminds me of the B52’s
• Like the Jim Henson reference
• Very funny
• The rapping breakdown won me over
• I love this
• Love the ending

Steve Durand – Die Happy
• Clever lyrics
• Like the vaudeville feel
• Good chourus

Jason Morris – Burning For You
• Good Production
• Like the backing vocals
• Dark
• Very original consept
• Please don’t burn yourself

Caleb Hines – Haven’t You Ever
• Very musical theater
• Funny lyrics
• Catchy chorus
• Good chang up at the end

Bryce Jensen – Thank You
• Dark but funny
• Minimal but effective
• Good backing vox in the chorus

Pat And Gweebol – Baby Go To Sleep
• Nice piano
• Like the male female vox
• Nice backing vocals
• Very nice

The Boffo Yux Dudes – Marked For Death
• I like the juxtaposition with the stone roses guitar sound with the spoken word vox
• Very funny

Young Stroke aka young Muscle – My Name is Death
• Nice consept
• Clever

Chris Cogott – Drag Me Down
• Clever approach to the theme
• Nice chord progression
• Nice backing vocals
• Catchy chorus
• Reminds me of something from revolver

Happi – The Next Part Of Life
• Nice lord of the rings reference
• Good rhymes
• Like the metal bridge

Emporor Gum – Frequency
• Cute
• Like that you told a story
• like the tempo changes
• Dark

Jon Eric – Birthday
• Great song
• Strong lyrics
• Love this song
• Nice harmonies
• Third verse could be a bit stronger

Hudson And Day – Silly Baby
• Dark
• Like all the different vocals

Mick Bordet – The Highland Coo Song (Shadow)
• Very funny
• Interesting approach
• Like the flute

Noah Mclaughin – Thank You, Joss Whedon (Shadow)
• Like the claps
• Nice rhythm change


  1. People say it sounds like Elton... must sound like Elton! Thanks. The opening is in the style of Elton's "Shine On Through", which is one of my favorites.

  2. Uh... Can we get a definition for "misogynistic"?

  3. ...Yeah, I didn't think so.
