Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SpinTunes 3: Round 2 Songs

The album is now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. With the new addition of the popular vote, many of you will be asking friends and family to support you. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs & vote for their favorites. You can vote for up to 5 different people, so they might as well listen to everyone.

For the time being, in an attempt to save on the free downloads, you can only download the album all at once. I will make individual songs available for free download in the near future.

There are supposed to be 11 people eliminated this round. 5 people have already eliminated themselves by missing the deadline, so only 6 people will be cut by the judges this round. That will give us 15 people left for round 3. Good luck everyone.

You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Dr. Lindyke)

- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->

- Popular vote stays open until 8PM on the 9th.

- Judges & guest judges have until 8PM on the 9th to hand in their reviews.

- I will post the Reviews & Eliminations at 11PM on the 9th.

- July 10th 1AM (Sun) - Third Challenge is announced.

If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here:

The American Way by Ross Durand

Re: Your Oil by Jutze

Billion Metal Dollars by Glen Raphael

Bunny Please Don't Go by Wait What

Friday by Bryce Jensen (Rebecca Black cover)
Edric Haleen was telling people he was going to rap for round 2. Byrce Jensen was so sure that Edric was full of shit, he said he would cover "Friday" if Edric did in fact rap. Well...this is Byrce...covering "Friday".

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)

- Mark posted a Song Bio for The Offhand Band.

- Dave posted a Song Bio for Dr. Lindyke.

- Jon Eric posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- Ross Durand wrote some Reviews for this round.

- Dr. Lindyke posted some Thoughts about round 2.

- Chris Cogott posted a short Song Bio for his entry.

- Sammy wrote another Negative Reinforcement Review.

- Mark of the Offhand Band got himself & the contest a little Press.

- Jon Eric posted some Reviews of this round.

- Jutze posted some Reviews of this round.

- Randy Parcel posted some Reviews of this round on his blog.


  1. So i notice the links to the news stories don't seem to be posted anywhere, but they are going to the judges?

  2. Hey, Spin, I've got a song bio as well, located at http://www.jon-eric.com/blog/?p=64 - could you post it please?


  3. Ross: If you click on a song from the album, you get the lyrics & the link to the news stories. The judges were all made aware that that's where the links are.

    Jon: Will do.

  4. Thx, i didn't notice them up top before, but now i do.

  5. Hey, in your link to Ross's reviews, you accidentally called him "Ross Durard."

    Also, seeing as it's a plain-text document, could you maybe just post them to the blog instead of linking to a pdf file named "Blank 42"? That looked pretty sketchy.


  6. I fixed the typo, thanks. I told Ross he could post them in the comments if he wanted. He decided to go with a PDF file, and I don't know how to upload a PDF to Blogger...so I used that free site. Sorry if it looked sketchy. Guess I should have renamed the file.

  7. I reasoned that the pdf would be better so that, if there were subsequent comments, readers would not have to scroll past that each time.

  8. NR is coming, btw way. I'm just working on a few things at once.

  9. My review for Round 2 is complete, and posted on my blog:
