Monday, August 1, 2011

Round 4 LP & Deadline News

Thankfully, even though a couple tempted fate, all 4 finalist turned in a song by the deadline.

The listening party will be hosted by me on August 1st (THAT‘S TODAY), and it starts at 8PM. I hope you decide to stop by, and bring friends. I’ll start a pre-show around 7PM for those who want to come & hangout early. The album will be available for FREE listen & download shortly after the LP.

I've been having a lot of tech issues lately, so fingers crossed that this LP goes ok.

Listening Party Location:

Deadline Eliminations: N/A

And The Winner Is: I just want to remind everyone that the judges do not decide who wins SpinTunes. The popular vote does not decide who wins SpinTunes. The people who signed up for the contest (who also provided at least 1 entry) decide who wins SpinTunes.

After the album is posted, anyone who meets that criteria will be allow to e-mail me their votes. Just like the judges, you will have to rank the 4 finalist from favorite to least favorite. Your rankings will not be shared unless you decide to do so, but I will post the names of everyone who voted in the final round. For bands who have more than 1 member, you only get 1 vote. You'll have to talk it over with each other to decide how to cast your vote. More details about the final round can be found on the rules page.

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