Saturday, August 6, 2011

SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Glenn Case

Matt And Donna - Back Down The Road
Great melody, and it’s probably my favorite I have heard from you to date.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 10 out of 10

Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
I enjoy the chord structure and the way you interpreted the photo into the lyrical content.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10

Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
Good melody and lyrics. The dynamics are flat, and that does the song a disservice. Not wild about the choices of keyboard patches.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10

Ross Durand – Rusty
Lyrics are quite good, as your lyrics often are. I still don’t care for your vocals, but that’s a personal preference more than anything. Is there a bass instrument in there? Song probably would have benefitted greatly from a little more on the low end. Song structure is sufficient.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10

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