Monday, January 30, 2012

SpinTunes 4: Round 1 Songs

Unfortunately I had to leave the LP before the official entries even got played. My internet connection was just too crappy to handle a livestream. I did keep the chat window open & it looked like people had fun though. Seemed to hang around the 35-40 viewer mark most of the time. I really owe Tom a big thanks for running the LP. I obviously couldn't do it in my current situation.

The songs are now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. Many of you will be asking friends and family to support you in the popular vote. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs & vote for their favorites. You can vote for up to 5 different people, so they might as well listen to everyone.

Until the round 2 songs are posted I will only allow people to download the round 1 album as a whole. But even after that, PLEASE download the entire album vs downloading just a handful of songs while the contest is on going. BandCamp limits how many free downloads I can give away, and 1 album download counts the same as 1 song download.

With 34 entries turned in for round 1, that means there will be 10 elimintions for the first 3 rounds. That would leave 4 finalist for round 4. Good luck everyone.

You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Matt Schubbe)

- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->

- Popular vote stays open until 11PM on Feb. 3rd.

- Judges & guest judges have until 11PM on Feb. 3rd to hand in their reviews.

- I will post the Reviews & Eliminations before 11PM on Feb. 4th.

- Feb. 5th 1AM (Sun) - Second Challenge is announced.

If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here:

There's An Earwig by Dr. Lindyke

Stained Glass by Dr. Lindyke

Nightmare by David LeDuc

Funny Guy by Robert Borden

Toilet Demons by Wait What (The Band)

Falling: A Nightmare In Three Acts by Common Lisp

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)

- Caleb Hines wrote a Song Bio.

- Noah McLaughlin wrote a Song Bio.

- Menage A Tune wrote a Song Bio.

- Brian Gray wrote a Song Bio.

- Felix Frost wrote a Song Bio.

- Emperor Gum wrote a Song Bio.

- Niveous is the creator of the songwriting contest Nur Ein, and he has been writing reviews of your songs on his blog: Part 1, 2 & 3.


  1. Rebecca Angel should be disqualified... she is obviously Evanessence in disguise !! ;' )

    1. Damn! You found me out! I was trying to bring my career back to life (ah-hem...)

  2. For what it's worth, a bio for "Just a Dream":

  3. My bio is part of the "song notes" for my song and right on the BandCamp page.

  4. Mine is also in the song notes right on Bandcamp, although you can also find the notes in my blog:

    I realized that those notes mention a trumpet part, but I edited that out at the last minute.

  5. I've begun posting reviews of this round over at my blog,


  6. New video for "Falling" -

  7. Graham [Emperor Gum]February 4, 2012 at 11:09 AM

    Lot of great songs this round guys, real good stuff!

    I decided to wait until the judges had submitted their reviews before publishing my song bio. For those curious:
