Monday, January 2, 2012

SpinTunes #4: Sign Up Page

The time has come for SpinTunes #4 to get underway. The rules are in place. New judges are in place & they will be working on the challenges soon. Now it's time to see who will be competing in SpinTunes #4.

I will need everyone who wants to participate to copy & paste the following text into their e-mail. Fill in the needed info, and then e-mail it to me at the address I provided below. Make sure you put "Spintown Contest" as the subject of the e-mail so I don't think it's spam. Also use an e-mail that I can reach you at if need be. Don't panic if you don't get a confirmation e-mail immediately after signing up. I'll message you back within 24 hours of getting your e-mail.

I _____________ give Travis Langworthy permission to upload any music I submit into his contest onto his blog (Spintown) & bandcamp. I realize it will become part of an album consisting of numerous other artists, and that it will be available for anyone to download for free. I also promise to give my very best effort in each round to complete the challenges. Providing NEW songs that have not been released before in any form. I also agree that anything that goes wrong during this competition is Heather's fault.

Name: (The name you or your group wants to be referred to during the competition.)

Bio: (Give a brief description of your group/music/history in 500 CHARACTERS or less. I know it's brief, but it's more than Twitter allows. :p Besides, links to your sites will be provided if people want to learn more about you.)

Twitter: (If you got one & want to share. *optional* If there's multiple accounts for multiple band members that's fine.)

YouTube: (If you got one & want to share. *optional*)

Band Website: (If it's different than either of the above. *optional*)

Pictures: (I need a band picture or logo. The image should be 100x100, and if it's not I'll do my best to make it so. Don't forget to actually attach the picture.)
Here's a list of the people that will be making the challenges, reviewing your work & of course voting on the songs:

1. Matt & Donna Schubbe - The current champions of SpinTunes.
2. Dave Leigh
3. Peter Coffin
4. Denise Hudson
5. Heather Miller

Sign ups will last until January 17th 11:59PM (T).

The first challenge will be posted January 19th 1AM (R).

My best guess as to what the whole schedule will look like can be found HERE.


  1. Can we ask Matt & Donna and Dave to shadow so we can hear them sing some more? I would be willing to wait till the end of the competition to hear them if necessary, I love their music. *hums* Hey, there Romeo...

  2. I'm very flattered but "Hey there Romeo" is a Pat & Gweebol song so I certainly can't take credit for it being such a wonderful song:)

  3. I'll just hide under this rock here and start off as a shadow then.....(currently dying of embarrassment)

  4. Is there going to be another meeting place available now that Artifiction is no more?
