Saturday, March 3, 2012

SpinTunes #4 Round 3 Totals

Unfortunately the judges discovered 2 songs that used more than 7 letters. In both cases it was without question a mistake, but we had to DQ both songs. They were great songs, but the entire challenge was limiting the use of letters. It's a crappy way to go out, but hopefully they can be happy just knowing they kicked major butt in this contest. Because Common Lisp & Gold Lion are DQed, they will be moved to the bottom of all the rankings. (That does not reflect how the judges felt about their work.)

Peter Coffin didn't finish his reviews by the deadline. If he sends in his reviews late I'll post them, but his rankings will not count this time. I would normally use my scores in his place since I'm the alternate judge, but we have a guest judge this round, so we'll just use his scores in place of Peter's.

Here are the links to your reviews:

Official Judges:
Dr. Lindyke - Matt Schubbe - Denise Hudson - Heather Miller

Guest Judge: Chris Cendana
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

The judges had to eliminate 9 people this time around. If your name is in bold you have unfortunately been eliminated. I really hope you decide to continue in the contest as shadows, and I thank EVERYONE for their hard work this round.

Total Scores: (Dr. L) (Denise) (Matt) (Heather) (Chris)
David LeDuc - 6 - 10 - 8 - 11 - 10 (45)
Jess Scherer - 10 - 8 - 10 - 7 - 9 (44)
Steve Durand - 11 - 6 - 9 - 9 - 8 (43)
Edric Haleen - 8 - 2 - 11 - 10 - 11 (42)
Ross Durand - 7 - 11 - 5 - 8 - 7 (38)
Brian Gray - 9 - 5 - 7 - 6 - 5 (32)
Rebecca Angel - 4 - 7 - 6 - 2 - 6 (25)
Governing Dynamics - 5 - 9 - 3 - 5 - 1 (23)
Kevin Savino-Riker - 3 - 4 - 2 - 4 - 3 (16)
Jacob Haller - 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 4 (12)
The Orion Sound - 2 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 2 (10)
Common Lisp - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 (0)
Gold Lion - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 (0)

Dr. Lindyke:
Steve Durand - 11
Jess Scherer - 10
Brian Gray - 9
Edric Haleen - 8
Ross Durand - 7
David LeDuc - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Rebecca Angel - 4
Kevin Savino-Riker - 3
The Orion Sound - 2
Jacob Haller - 1
Common Lisp - 0
Gold Lion - 0

Denise Hudson:
Ross Durand - 11
David LeDuc - 10
Governing Dynamics - 9
Jess Scherer - 8
Rebecca Black - 7
Steve Durand - 6
Brian Gray - 5
Kevin Savino-Riker - 4
Jacob Haller - 3
Edric Haleen - 2
The Orion Sound - 1
Common Lisp - 0
Gold Lion - 0

Matt Schubbe:
Edric Haleen - 11
Jess Scherer - 10
Steve Durand - 9
David DeLuc - 8
Brian Gray - 7
Rebecca Angel - 6
Ross Durand - 5
The Orion Sound - 4
Governing Dynamics - 3
Kevin Savino-Riker - 2
Jacob Haller - 1
Common Lisp - 0
Gold Lion - 0

Heather Miller:
David LeDuc - 11
Edric Haleen - 10
Steve Durand - 9
Ross Durand - 8
Jess Scherer - 7
Brian Gray - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Kevin Savino-Riker - 4
Jacob Haller - 3
Rebecca Angel - 2
The Orion Sound - 1
Common Lisp - 0
Gold Lion - 0

Chris Cendana:
Edric Haleen - 11
David LeDuc - 10
Jess Scherer - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Ross Durand - 7
Rebecca Angel - 6
Brian Gray - 5
Jacob Haller - 4
Kevin Savino-Riker - 3
The Orion Sound - 2
Governing Dynamics - 1
Common Lisp - 0
Gold Lion - 0

Popular Vote Totals:
The Orion Sound - 40
David DeLuc - 24
Edric Haleen - 24
Kevin Savino-Riker - 22
Common Lisp - 15
Gold Lion - 15
Jess Scherer - 13
Ross Durand - 10
Brian Gray - 9
Jacob Haller - 9
Steve Durand - 9
Governing Dynamics - 7
Rebecca Angel - 5
(202 votes in R3)

Popular Vote Scores:
The Orion Sound - 11
David DeLuc - 10
Edric Haleen - 9
Kevin Savino-Riker - 8
Jess Scherer - 7
Ross Durand - 6
Brian Gray - 5
Jacob Haller - 4
Steve Durand - 3
Governing Dynamics - 2
Rebecca Angel - 1
Common Lisp - 0
Gold Lion - 0


  1. I thought that the popular vote was only a tie breaker this round. But it is included in the scores.

  2. The popular vote was included for the first 10 minutes of this post. Then it was pointed out to me that I shouldn't have included it, and I adjusted the scores. The top 4 did NOT change, and I'm sorry for the mistake. If it had changed things I would have let in the original 4, and then anyone else that would have got in after the adjustment. But again, the top 4 didn't change after I took out the popular vote.

  3. Graham (Enperor Gu)March 4, 2012 at 7:01 AM

    What the hell, guys? Edric's in the final? He's not supposed to win these competitions, I thought that we all agreed that was the joke?

  4. Well.... Such a shame that Paul's slip-up up has DQ'd him...
    And I'm surprised at the top four...

    Oh well...
