Tuesday, March 13, 2012

SpinTunes #4: Round 4 Songs

Sorry for the delay in this posting, but I've been resting my head on my porcelain pillow dealing with what I'm guessing is the flu.

The songs are now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. Many of you will be asking friends and family to support you in the popular vote. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs. You can only vote for 1 person this time around.

Until the new champion is announced I will only allow people to download the round 4 album as a whole. BandCamp limits how many free downloads I can give away, and 1 album download counts the same as 1 song download.

Nobody was cut by the deadline, YOU (the competitors of SpinTunes 4) have to eliminate 3 people this round. Good luck everyone.

People Who Have Voted Thus Far: (20 of 34 voters)
Edric Haleen - Wait What (The Band) - Drei Viertel Drei - Jess Scherer - David LeDuc - Governing Dynamics - Luke Brekke, Esquire - Chris Cogott - Felix Frost - Emperor Gum - Steve Durand - Gold Lion - Menage A Tune - Common Lisp - Hazen Nester - Caleb Hines - The Orion Sound - Rebecca Angel - The Boffo Yux Dudes - Ross Durand

You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->

- Popular vote stays open until 12PM on March 18th.

- Judges & guest judges have until 12PM on March 18th to hand in their reviews.

- Reviews & the new SpinTunes champion will be posted 8PM on March 18th.

If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here:

Fear by David LeDuc

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)

- Drei Viertel Drei posted a Review of the finalist this rouund.

- Edric Haleen posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- Mick Bordet posted a Song Bio for his shadow.

- Brian Gray posted a Song Bio for his shadow.

- Menage A Tune posted a Song Bio for her shadow.


  1. Bio: https://sites.google.com/site/briangraymusic/songs/before-you-go

  2. Hey! I voted right away!

  3. Did Too! And I just tried to vote again, and it didn't count it, so there :op~~~

    1. Sorry, but you did not. Popular vote means little to nothing this round. Check your e-mail because I e-mailed everyone who gets a vote & told them what to do. (same as the past 3 contests Jo)

    2. Did you send it to my old email the @comcast one? Or my new email, same start but now @verizon.net? because the last thing I got from you was in early February.

    3. I used the one you used to sign up for the contest with, whatever that is. Check that one.

  4. My song bio is now up at http://calliopeva.livejournal.com/20780.html
