Monday, June 4, 2012

SpinTunes #5: Sign Up Page

It's time for SpinTunes #5. The rules are in place. New judges are in place (mostly) & they will be working on the challenges soon. Now it's time to see who will be competing in SpinTunes #5.

I will need everyone who wants to participate to copy & paste the following text into their e-mail. Fill in the needed info, and then e-mail it to me at the address I provided below. Make sure you put "Spintown Contest" as the subject of the e-mail so I don't think it's spam. Also use an e-mail that I can reach you at if need be. Don't panic if you don't get a confirmation e-mail immediately after signing up. I'll message you back within 24 hours of getting your e-mail.

I _____________ give Travis Langworthy permission to upload any music I submit into his contest onto his blog (Spintown) & bandcamp. I realize it will become part of an album consisting of numerous other artists, and that it will be available for anyone to download for free. I also promise to give my very best effort in each round to complete the challenges. Providing NEW songs that have not been released before in any form. I also agree that anything that goes wrong during this competition is Heather's fault. 
Name: (The name you or your group wants to be referred to during the competition.) 
Bio: (Give a brief description of your group/music/history in 500 CHARACTERS or less. I know it's brief, but it's more than Twitter allows. :p Besides, links to your sites will be provided if people want to learn more about you.) 
Twitter: (If you got one & want to share. *optional* If there's multiple accounts for multiple band members that's fine.) 
YouTube: (If you got one & want to share. *optional*) 
Band Website: (If it's different than either of the above. *optional*) 
Pictures: (I need a band picture or logo. The image should be 100x100, and if it's not I'll do my best to make it so. Don't forget to actually attach the picture.)

Here's a list of the people that will be making the challenges, reviewing your work & of course voting on the songs:

1. Steve Durand - The current champion of SpinTunes.
2. Mick Bordet
3. Hazen Nester
4. Charlie McCarron
5. Mark Meritt

Sign ups will last until June 18th 11:59PM (M).

The first challenge will be posted June 20th 1AM (W).

My best guess as to what the whole schedule will look like can be found HERE.

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