Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spintunes #5 Round 1 Review: John Dahl

John is a online friend of mine that I met playing Minecraft.  While playing one day, we got to talking about SpinTunes & other things.  John was nice enough to offer up his time to judge a round of SpinTunes.  He doesn't have a music background, but that's never been a requirement for being a guest judge.  I don't know anyone who writes music just for other musicians.

If you want to see more of John, you can visit his YouTube channel.  John, and his girlfriend Nikki, are the funniest prank couple on YouTube.  Enjoy the video below to get a taste of pain they inflict on each other.



Caravan Ray:  Good beat, entertaining, fast and easy to listen to. Voice was a little quiet for the music. Hard to hear. Overall great song.

Governing Dynamics:  Good gutiar intro, switches gears pretty quick. Good voice, matches the music well. Good beat. Good guitar solo at 2:26. Lyrics sit well with the music, overall great song.

Ross Durand:  Good opening lyrics. The guitar goes well with the voice. Good gutiar playing. Good rythem and beat. I like this harmonica. Good song.

The Chocolate Chips
Good beginning. The music and lyrics match up well. Easy to follow the song and melody. Vocals are good. Nice voice. Great song.

Dr. Lindyke
Great vocals, good piano playing skills. I like the melody of the song. Easy to listen to. You did a good job not over doing the piano.

Edric Haleen
Quiet intro, very hard to hear. Whole song is hard to hear. Such a starage combination of beinging and end. Almost wanted to give up listening to the beginning, and the middle was AWESOME. Such a great voice and piano work. Then it drops off again to the quiet voice. Listen to come sail away. Then go down and up but never lose the tone. Strange ending.

Felix Frost
Good song. Strong start. Nice melody and good rhythm. Easy to tell what your saying. The variation is a little strange when you do that to use the deep tones. Good song. Odd variety of sounds. Not sure how I feel about it. Think I could like it. Nice chorus.

Rats Of The Sky
Nice Beat. Like the intro, could be a few seconds shorter. Nice rhymes. Easy to follow the lyrics. Try adding a little more variety in beats and sounds.

"BucketHat" Bobby
Nice piano intro. I like the old classic piano and voice style. Voice is a little quiet, could be louder. Good instrumentals.

The Boffo Yux Dudes
Intro is well. I like the renaissance feel of the song. Voice and music are clear and both can be heard. I like the intruments in the background. Nice song.

Zoe Gray
Voice a little loud for the intro music. I like the speed transition, the begining should be a little faster. I like the lyrics, easy listning and I understand the song. Odd paranormal music solo. Overall interesting song.

Greg Hosack
Nice intro, got my attention with the shaker thing. Music and vocals are a little much together. I like the sound of the song. Good variety of instruments.

Music is a little quiet. Voice and lyrics are hard to hear over the beat. I like the sound, everything just needs to be louder. Nice song.

Wait What
Intro music is extremely quiet. Good lyrics, easy to understand. I lke the simplicity. Nice rectum reference. Good song.

Hudson And Day
Good intro. A little slow. Voice and music match up well. Great vocals.

The Orion Sound
Good gutair and voice. Match up well. Lyrics are a little fast, but easy to understand. Dual voice doesn't really match up perfect, sounds good, but could be better.

Good start. Nice melody. A little hard to hear the lyrics over the music. I like the story in the song, easy to follow. Great song.

Jailhouse Payback
Song kind of starts out of nowhere. Good sound. Your lyrics and music go well together. Good story, easy to follow the music. Hard to use escalator in a song.

Army Defense
Kind of a bland start. Like the gutiar, dont know if the echo-y voice matches the sound well. Like the lyrics, easy to listen to. Like the last day of work part. Don't like the sound effects.

Alex Boyd
Like the ukulele? Good lyrics, fun song. A little sad, there are some nice people in the world. The music and your lyrics don't match up to well. The beat is a little fast.

Glen Raphael
Nice intro. Voice is a little quiet. Guitar kind of over takes the vocals. Like the message in the song. Great gutiar playing. Vocals sounds good.

Guitar and vocals sync up well. Nice voice. Good gutiar playing. All in all a good song. Music and vocals kind of mix in part of the song.

Godz Poodlz
Music and vocals don't match up well. Hard to hear the lyrics. I like the beat of the music. Vocals should be a little louder.

Heather Miller
Gutiar is a little quiet. Vocals are a little over whelming. Great voice. Its hard to hear the music and lrrics at the same time.

Trader Jack
Voice is pretty quiet. Hard to hear the lyrics. Music is good, but a little loud. I like the variety of instruments. Good rhythm. Kind of hard to follow the lyrics.

Quiet voice and quiet vocals. Really hard to hear. Like the rhythm. Needs to be louder. I like the variety of instruments. Good song overall.

Mariah Mercedes
Like the style. Very quite and simple. Maybe try to put fourth a little more loudness. Your voice and gutiar match up well.

Menage a Tune
Nice guitar intro.  A little slow for me, but I think it was good. Nice rhythm. I like the vocal guitar relationship. Sounds good. Easy to understand. Chorus a little repetitive.

Emperor Gum
Good guitar intro, Like the "Here we go" intro. Vocals are a little weak in the beginning of the song. Instruments are extremely low, then get really loud. Good lyrics, song is easy to understand. A little repetitive.

Jeremy Lambright
Good start. The music drowns out the vocals. Hard to understand the lyrics over the music. Good  rhythm. Good song, vocals need to be louder.

Slow intro. The vocals and music match up well. Easy to understand what you're saying in the song. A little repetitive. The song kind of repeats itself.

David Ritter
Hard to understand the vocals and lyrics. Music is a little sporadic and doesn't match the vocals. I like the instrumentals, the vocals and song just don't match up to well.

Francis Wms.
Interesting intro. Got my attention. Didn't like the way the lyrics and music sound. Like the background noise. Hard to separate out the lyics and music.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure that chorus's are >supposed< to be repetitive. Other than that and "a little slow" I am not certain why you marked us so low though.
