Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spintunes #5 Round 2 Review: Jason Morris

Jason is a veteran from Masters Of Song Fu & SpinTunes. Whenever we are lucky enough to get a new song from Jason, it's a safe bet that it's going to rock.  After reading his reviews, you can check out his work on Bandcamp.

- Spin


RC - Get up
Very catchy chorus, good production, and performed well. Maybe a touch too much reverb on the vocals, but far more judicious than most of the other folks were. You know who you are!
Well done sir. I am suitably motivated.

Rhythm - 7
Melody - 7
Lyrics - 7
Hook -  9
Production/Arrangement - 9
Performance - 9
Total: 48

Gorbzilla (featuring the Gorbzookies) - Superwoman
I can't help but be amused by this song. Great 70's funk voice. Good production.

Rhythm - 8
Melody - 7
Lyrics - 7
Hook -7
Production/Arrangement - 8
Performance - 8
Total: 45

Edric Haleen - One More Step
I love music, but I hate musicals. Edric typically writes tunes that sound like they belong in some broadway musical. From time to time, he surprises me and writes a song that I think could stand on it's own as a pop song. Something you would hear on the radio.
This is not one of those times. This song sounds like it was ripped straight out of a Disney movie.
There is no chorus to speak of, and no real bridge. The tune never really develops or seems to go anywhere. There is a little solo, which isn't too bad. The performance is fantastic. If a big ol' stage voice is your thing, Edric is the man for you.
Edric should quit his day job and make a living writing musicals.

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 8
Lyrics -  8
Hook - 4
Production/Arrangement - 7
Performance - 10
Total:  43

Governing Dynamics - Forward
I always want to love Governing Dynamics tunes, as they play what I tend to listen to when I don't have to listen to goofy songs about robots and super-villains-in-training.
Their songs are always almost awesome. but not quite. The intro to this tune is a little long, but the real issue is that the vocals are buried and the drums are almost inaudible, and drowning in reverb.
The guitars are very loud. The mix could have been much more dynamic. Lyrically, I find it interesting and artsy, but when I turn in off, it quickly fades from memory.
Almost an awesome shoe gazer tune.

Rhythm - 7
Melody - 7
Lyrics - 7
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 5
Performance - 7
Total:  39

Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - Big, Bigger, Best
Cool guitar tone, drummer needs to chill out a little (less is more), yay 70's rock! KISS called, they said you can keep the sound, since you do it pretty well. They aren't so sure about that keyboard though.

Rhythm -6
Melody -6
Lyrics -6
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 7
Performance - 7
Total:  38

Mariah Mercedes - Hurricane
I find the intro to this song very annoying. The guitar tone is terrible. The rhythm is uninteresting.
Her voice is fantastic. Like if she keeps at it she may be the next Ann Wilson. Performance wise, I want to give her a 9 for having such a great voice, but then there is the guitars to consider….
Keep at it. You will be a star. Or at least a really great musician.

Rhythm - 4
Melody - 7
Lyrics - 6
Hook - 7
Production/Arrangement - 4
Performance - 7
Total: 37

Godz Poodlz - In The Zone
Can't say i dig the vocal production. I can't tell if it's just a the effect he chose for his voice, or if he doubled his vocal and wasn't as "on" with one of them as he should have been? Lyrics are ok. Nice fuzzy guitar sound. A little too repetitive. drums are buried under the weight of the low-end guitars. you just hear a tiny little snare peeking out from all these fuzzy guitars. I did find myself unconsciously tapping my foot while writing this, which is a good thing.

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 6
Lyrics - 6
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 6
Performance - 6
Total:  36

Felix Frost - The Frost Mine
The Devo-esq intro is kinda cool, but went on too long. When the verse finally comes in I immediately clutch my ears in horror.
The verse melody is repetitive and boring, and drowning effects, making it touch to make out what is going on.
Then the chorus comes in. Everything becomes more cohesive. I even like it. There are some really neat parts to this tune, and it is unique.
There is something there. I'm just not sure what it is.

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 6
Lyrics - 7
Hook - 4
Production/Arrangement - 4
Performance - 8
Total: 35

Ross Durand - Win
Ross' song was a pain for me to judge. When I took each element individually, I couldn't find that much to pick on.
When taken in total though, the song just didn't do anything for me.
The chorus made me cringe a bit,  but I can't really pick out why.
For some reason I couldn't help but imagine Dirk Diggler and Reed Rothchild in the studio when I heard this tune. Except Ross sings way better than Dirk Diggler.

Rhythm - 5
Melody - 6
Lyrics - 6
Hook -5
Production/Arrangement - 6
Performance - 6
Total:  34

The Chocolate Chips - Nothing Can Stop You
So I imagine this songwriting session went something like this:
"Dude, check out this awesome intro and chorus I wrote"
"WOAH DUDE! That is WICKED! You know what we should do? Put that with this really shitty, boring verse I wrote!"
"Dude, lets do it!"
Really, that is a great chorus. It hits you in the face right from the get go, but then the verse comes in and just whole song just shits the bed.
The don't even fit together. The transitions are awkward. The build around 2:45 would have been super sweet, but it was not performed well, so it fell flat.
Do this song over after the competition. Come up with a better verse and ix the transitions and performance issues and I think it will be a rocking tune.

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 5
Lyrics - 5
Hook - 7
Production/Arrangement - 4
Performance - 6
Total:  34

Caravan Ray - Pump It Up
Interesting rhythm. Crappy, insipid lyrics. This is catchy, but in the way that has the potential to drive someone to an act of homicide (which would probably be rules justifiable).

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 5
Lyrics - 3
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 6
Performance - 7
Total: 33

Glen Raphael - Pump Down The Volume
Production is annoying. The compressor you put on the guitar is not set properly. All I hear is pick attack. From what little guitar I can hear, it sounds like a neat guitar part.
The synth is VERY annoying. Catchy chorus. Turn down the delay, and reverb on your voice. It's swirling around too much. Try setting timing the delay to the BPM of the song.

Rhythm - 5
Melody - 6
Lyrics - 5
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 4
Performance - 6
Total: 32

Menage a Tune - Run!
The Lead singer sounds like the unholy progeny of Geddy Lee and my great grandmother. Not bad, just… weird.  The background vocals are terrible. It's like you wanted to put a harmony in there but didn't know how to harmonize.
Solo is not weak. I did find this song going thru my head the next day, so you did something right.

Rhythm -5
Melody - 5
Lyrics - 5
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 5
Performance - 5
Total: 31

Jailhouse Payback - Kick Your Routine
Weak chorus, awkward transition from chorus to the second verse - it was too jarring to me.
How many choruses does this song have? It sounds like two, but neither is very interesting.

Rhythm -4
Melody -5
Lyrics - 5
Hook - 4
Production/Arrangement - 4
Performance - 6
Total: 28

Rats Of The Sky - Dance To The Groove Libido
Annoying synth. Performance is good for what it is. I think one of these guys accidentally made some sort of mouth noise that hinted at a melody. Maybe he was just chewing his gum too lousy.
I tried not to count that against them. I pretty much hate hip-hop, but being the consummate professional, I persevered and somehow slogged thru this tune to it's horrific, auto-tuned finale.

Rhythm -5
Melody -2
Lyrics -6
Hook - 3
Production/Arrangement - 3
Performance - 7
Total: 26

Jeremy Lambright - Shut Up And Dance
This did not inspire me to work out. It did inspire me to break out my old Tangerine Dream albums though. I dig your vibe man. Too bad you couldn't finish this one.

Rhythm - 7
Melody - 1
Lyrics - 0
Hook - 1
Production/Arrangement - 8
Performance - 8
Total: 25


Jeffrey Powers - If I finish This Workout I Can Go Get A Beer
Amusing, if unoriginal. Im pretty sure this chord progression and melody line has been used a few bazillion times in the past.
You lose points because I almost pee'd my pants at the "YAY!" part.

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 4
Lyrics - 5
Hook - 3
Production/Arrangement - 6
Performance - 6
Total:  30

Dr. Lindyke - A Tune For You
Good tune. Lyrics amused me. So few instruments in the mix that you probably didn't need to pan the piano into one speaker. Stereo would have been more better.

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 7
Lyrics - 7
Hook - 6
Production/Arrangement - 5
Performance - 7
Total: 38

Dr. Lindyke - Monastic Workout
Two songs? And one in Latin? You show off. :)

Rhythm - 6
Melody - 6
Lyrics - as I don't speak Latin I have no idea how to judge these lyrics.
Hook - 1
Production/Arrangement - 7
Performance - 8
Total:  33

Menage a Tune - Rat Race
This is like the ugly step sister of the other song you entered.

Rhythm -3
Melody - 4
Lyrics -4
Hook - 4
Production/Arrangement - 3
Performance - 4
Total:  26

Zoe Gray - Mine
Cute. You sound like you are a young girl between the ages of 8 and 12. If you are in fact in your 20's or 30's you might want to seek medical attention. Lyrically, the verses are great. The Choruses not so much.
The Vocals are adorable. Some of the timing is off here and there. If you are between 8 and 12, this is forgiven, and you are to be commended on doing such a great job.
If you are in your 20's or 30's you should do better next time. Remember me when you rule the world with an Iron Fist. I for one welcome our new pre-pubescent overlord.

Rhythm - 7
Melody - 7
Lyrics - 6
Hook - 7
Production/Arrangement - 6
Performance - 7
Total: 40


  1. looks like I need to turn off the auto-complete. Sorry 'bout the stupid spelling errors.

  2. You pretty much nailed my song, that's how it went down. I came up with my chorus first and I liked it a lot... but then I had the hardest time coming up with a verse section. I had one all written out that I scrapped on the last day... replaced it with this one which I thought was marginally better but still pretty crap.

    I really dig the way you break your review scores up into different categories. Neat.

  3. Yeah, I have been there. I have plenty of half finished songs sitting around waiting for a decent verse or a decent chorus. Keep at it man. It's a rocking chorus.
