Saturday, July 21, 2012

SpinTunes #5 Round 2 Totals

There was 1 DQ this round, and 4 people who failed to meet the deadline.  So the judges only had to eliminate 3 more people, but it wasn't easy.  It was a tough round to judge, and that means you all kicked ass.

It's a good thing I had 2 guest judges lined up this round, because 2 of our regular judges were not available this round.  That means that both the guest judges fill in for the regular judges.  We almost had to use my rankings & reviews (that was close).

Official Judges:

Guest Judges:  Jason Morris & Jon Eric
Alternate Judge's Review:  Spin
NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT: Sammy Kablam & Howie Kapow

Feel free to check my math, but the people in bold have been eliminated.  I hope you all continue to follow the contest & shadow.  Thank you ALL for your hard work.

Total Scores: (Poular) (Mark) (Steve) (Mick) (Jason) (Jon)
RC - 5 - 12 - 16 - 14 - 16 - 15 (78)
Mariah Mercedes - 13 - 15 - 15 - 16 - 11 - 6 (76)
Edric Haleen - 9 - 16 - 12 - 9 - 14 - 16 (76)
Gorbzilla - 15 - 14 - 14 - 4 - 15 - 9 (71)
Ross Durand - 6 - 11 - 13 - 10 - 8 - 13 (61)
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 12 - 13 - 7 - 11 - 12 - 5 (60)
Governing Dynamics - 11 - 9 - 6 - 5 - 13 - 14 (58)
Menage a Tune - 16 - 8 - 2 - 13 - 4 - 12 (55)
The Chocolate Chips - 3 - 10 - 11 - 15 - 7 - 7 (53)
Godz Poodlz - 8 - 7 - 10 - 6 - 10 - 10 (51)
Caravan Ray - 7 - 6 - 5 - 7 - 6 - 11 (42)
Felix Frost - 14 - 4 - 4 - 8 - 9 - 2 (41)
Rats Of The Sky - 10 - 2 - 9 - 3 - 2 - 8 (34)
Jailhouse Payback - 2 - 3 - 8 - 12 - 3 - 3 (31)
Glen Raphael - 4 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 (23)
*Jeremy Lambright - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 (5)

*DQed & moved to the bottom of all rankings.

Popular Vote:
Menage a Tune - 22
Gorbzilla - 20
Felix Frost - 11
Mariah Mercedes - 10
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 9
Governing Dynamics - 8
Rats Of The Sky - 7
Edric Haleen - 7
Godz Poodlz - 6
Caravan Ray - 6
Ross Durand - 5
RC - 5
Glen Raphael - 4
The Chocolate Chips - 4
Jailhouse Payback - 3
Jeremy Lambright - 3
(130 total votes)

Popular Vote Scores:
Menage a Tune - 16
Gorbzilla - 15
Felix Frost - 14
Mariah Mercedes - 13
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 12
Governing Dynamics - 11
Rats Of The Sky - 10
Edric Haleen - 9
Godz Poodlz - 8
Caravan Ray - 7
Ross Durand - 6
RC - 5
Glen Raphael - 4
The Chocolate Chips - 3
Jailhouse Payback - 2
Jeremy Lambright - 1

Mark Rankings:
Edric Haleen - 16
Mariah Mercedes - 15
Gorbzilla - 14
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 13
RC - 12
Ross Durand - 11
The Chocolate Chips - 10
Governing Dynamics - 9
Menage a Tune - 8
Godz Poodlz - 7
Caravan Ray - 6
Glen Raphael - 5
Felix Frost - 4
Jailhouse Payback - 3
Rats Of The Sky - 2
Jeremy Lambright - 1

Steve Rankings:
RC - 16
Mariah Mercedes - 15
Gorbzilla - 14
Ross Durand - 13
Edric Haleen - 12
The Chocolate Chips - 11
Godz Poodlz - 10
Rats Of The Sky - 9
Jailhouse Payback - 8
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 7
Governing Dynamics - 6
Caravan Ray - 5
Felix Frost - 4
Glen Raphael - 3
Menage a Tune - 2
Jeremy Lambright - 1

Mick Rankings:
Mariah Mercedes - 16
The Chocolate Chips - 15
RC - 14
Menage a Tune - 13
Jailhouse Payback - 12
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 11
Ross Durand - 10
Edric Haleen - 9
Felix Frost - 8
Caravan Ray - 7
Godz Poodlz - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Gorbzilla - 4
Rats Of The Sky - 3
Glen Raphael - 2
Jeremy Lambright - 1

Jason Rankings:
RC - 16
Gorbzilla - 15
Edric Haleen - 14
Governing Dynamics - 13
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 12
Mariah Mercedes - 11
Godz Poodlz - 10
Felix Frost - 9
Ross Durand - 8
The Chocolate Chips - 7
Caravan Ray - 6
Glen Raphael - 5
Menage a Tune - 4
Jailhouse Payback - 3
Rats Of The Sky - 2
Jeremy Lambright - 1

Jon Rankings:
Edric Haleen - 16
RC - 15
Governing Dynamic - 14
Ross Durand - 13
Menage a Tune - 12
Caravan Ray - 11
Godz Poodlz - 10
Gorbzilla - 9
Rats Of The Sky - 8
The Chocolate Chips - 7
Mariah Mercedes - 6
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott - 5
Glen Raphael - 4
Jailhouse Payback - 3
Felix Frost - 2
Jeremy Lambright - 1


  1. Rats of the Sky was eliminated for this challenge? Unbelievable.

    1. Well only half of the judges felt that they should be eliminated but that's how the math worked out.

    2. I was actually kind of surprised when, after I did the scoring, that song ended up quite so low in my rankings. Strange how it worked out.

    3. Yeah, I had them ranked pretty high. But there are always a few that just baffle me in the rankings. This round is no different.

    4. Well, I did end up having them ranked pretty low. It just hadn't occurred to me that that's how low they'd actually end up in my rankings.

      I get that "a song that is motivational to workout to. Something that is meant to pump up the listener" could be interpreted as any old upbeat song on the planet that somebody might like to have on a mix exercise to. But the challenge right afterward says to think about music from any Rocky movie, or Hulk Hogan or The Karate Kid. To me, that means it's not just me personally interpreting the spirit of the challenge when I think that any old upbeat song won't do. To me, it falls deep into what I mentioned about the indirect approach at the top of my review. The letter of the challenge is asking for something more specific. Aspects may be played fast and loose, but to me the lyrical content itself had to be fundamentally about a striving toward working out or pumping up, whether physical, emotional, spiritual or whatever else creative someone might come up with. If we'd wanted to let any old upbeat work-out mix song be "okay" for the challenge, Rocky, Hulk and The Karate Kid shouldn't have been mentioned in the description.

  2. JUST scraped by. I knew the song wasn't very good so I'm surprised I survived at all! Whew. Now I have to do a song while staying at a hotel for 10 days. *GULP*

    Felix Frost

  3. I enjoy reading these reviews - particularly the negative comments, it's great to get that kind of unbiased feedback. Sometimes it reinforces what I already see as the weaknesses in my song (for example I felt my chorus was much stronger than my verse .. and it appears that most of the judges felt similarly.)

    Obviously different people have very different responses to music and we can see that with these judges ... this is how easy listening stuff like Kenny G sells millions of copies and yet there's also a (smaller yet more serious) audience for bands like Neu!

    So I try to take all of that into consideration... there are judges here who have extremely different taste than I do so ... it's only natural to take their opinions with a grain of salt. Funnily enough the one I seem to be most at odds with is Spin himself (for example he talked down Mariah Mercedes vocals when I thought they were the single best thing of this entire round - by far) ... but I appreciate that he has put this contest together ;) and I'm hopeful that his reviews/rankings won't have to be used ;)

    1. I really appreciate your attitude about the judging. To be willing to take feedback, to be critical of your own work, to not just express gratitude to judges for giving you good reviews, man, that's good stuff. Makes you grow as a person and as an artist. I wasn't very good at that stuff at first myself as an artist, but I'd like to think I've gotten better and will keep doing so.

      By the way, while bias can't be helped, I do try to take my own tastes out of the picture as much as possible. That's really one of the main points of a scoring system. Like, I don't like certain kinds of music as much as others, but if someone uses a genre I dislike and nothing about the challenge has a problem with it, then I think a judge really truly owes it to the entrant to not have a problem with it and to judge the song on its merits as an example of that genre. That's one of the most important ways that I think that judges, even with their biases, really do need to make an effort to be unbiased. Other things may simply be subjective and so fair game in judging (like maybe Mercedes' vocals?).

  4. OK.

    I hereby negatively reinforce Negative Reinforcement by saying "Fuck Negative Reinforcement. I will not be watching it at this point because it missed the cutoff and will be (if it ever bothers itself enough to be posted)... irrelevant." If you can't negatively reinforce shit in a timely manner, WTF are you good for???

    ©My Dangling Preposition LLC

