Monday, August 13, 2012

LP & Deadline News (Quick Post)

Every deadline update seems to get a rush why change now.

For now you should know:
- There were NO deadline victims.
- There will be shadows...not saying how many yet.
- The judges will not have to eliminate anyone this time.  YOU get to decide who wins.
- I won't be able to answer your questions until about 6:30PM. (sorry...gotta pay the bills)
- The listening party will be hosted on U-stream & YouTube on TUESDAY by Tom.  The YouTube stream will have video & graphics, but no chat.  The U-Stream feed has a chat room available.

U-Stream Link:

YouTube Link:

Sorry this is rushed, but I gotta run.


1 comment:

  1. As we enter the final week of SpinTunes #5, let me just take a moment to thank everyone who keeps SpinTunes going. Travis -- the judges -- the deejays and the "publicists" -- the competitors (especially those who stick around and shadow!) -- and everyone who listens to and downloads the songs that get spun.

    I wrote my first songwriting challenge song for Masters of Song Fu back in August of 2008. Since then, I've written a total of 32 songs specifically to meet a challenge posed by someone else. And in the process, I've learned, I've grown, I've pushed myself, I've impressed myself, I've laughed, I've wept, I've beamed -- and I've even "inspired" a Friday cover.

    And then -- beyond all of THAT -- I've also become part of a very special online community. A community that is welcoming and flexible, that is creative and encouraging, that is honest and caring, that is fun and interesting.

    And it's for all of those reasons that I keep coming back again and again to rejoin my friends and spin out more music. So here's looking forward to tomorrow's listening party -- best of luck to the four "finalists," and congratulations to all of the shadowers. And long live SpinTunes!

