Saturday, August 4, 2012

SpinTunes #5 Round 3 Totals

The judges only had to eliminate 4 people because of deadline victims.  1 of the judges was unable to get his reviews done, and there were no guest judges this round.  Which means that we are forced to use the reviews from the alternate judge...that's me.

Official Judges:
Guest Judges:  None this round.
Alternate Judge's Review:  Spin

Feel free to check my math, but the people in bold have been eliminated.  I hope you all continue to follow the contest & shadow.  Thank you ALL for your hard work.

Total Scores: (Mick) (Mark) (Steve) (Charlie) (Spin)
Edric Haleen - 6 - 7 - 7 - 6 - 6 (32)
Ross Durand - 8 - 4 - 8 - 1 - 8 (29)
Governing Dynamics - 4 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 5 (25)
Mariah Mercedes - 5 - 8 - 5 - 3 - 4 (25)
Menage a Tune - 7 - 5 - 4 - 5 - 1 (22)
Felix Frost - 2 - 3 - 2 - 8 - 2 (17)
The Chocolate Chips - 1 - 2 - 3 - 7 - 3 (16)
RC - 3 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 7 (14)

Popular Vote:
Menage a Tune - 17
Governing Dynamics - 16
Ross Durand - 15
Edric Haleen - 11
RC - 6
Mariah Mercedes - 6
The Chocolate Chips - 3
Felix Frost - 3
(77 Total Votes)

Mick Rankings:
Ross Durand - 8
Menage a Tune - 7
Edric Haleen - 6
Mariah Mercedes - 5
Governing Dynamics - 4
RC - 3
Felix Frost - 2
The Chocolate Chips - 1

Mark Rankings:
Mariah Mercedes - 8
Edric Haleen - 7
Governing Dynamics - 6
Menage a Tune - 5
Ross Durand - 4
Felix Frost - 3
The Chocolate Chips - 2
RC - 1

Steve Rankings:
Ross Durand - 8
Edric Haleen - 7
Governing Dynamics - 6
Mariah Mercedes - 5
Menage a Tune - 4
The Chocolate Chips - 3
Felix Frost - 2
RC - 1

Charlie Rankings:
Felix Frost - 8
The Chocolate Chips - 7
Edric Haleen - 6
Menage a Tune - 5
Governing Dynamics - 4
Mariah Mercedes - 3
RC - 2
Ross Durand - 1

Spin Rankings:
Ross Durand - 8
RC - 7
Edric Haleen - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Mariah Mercedes - 4
The Chocolate Chips - 3
Felix Frost - 2
Menage a Tune - 1


    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try
    I tried so hard and got so far
    But in the end it doesn't even matter

  2. Disappointed I didn't do better as I was quite happy with my track this week - but whenever you are doing stuff as weird as I am you can't expect it to land with everyone. That said, some of the critiques I found quite valid and useful (constructive criticism is good stuff.)

    If I find the next challenge interesting I may do a shadow.

    Good luck to the four last standing!

    1. Right attitude again. Look forward to your shadow if you decide to do one.

  3. Oh the humanity! Dead last. Oh well, I don't really disagree with anything the judges said. I knew I was in deep trouble when I read the challenge.

    Anyway, good luck to all going forward. I will try to shadow the last round, but my wife's having surgery next Thursday, so whatever I do will have to be in by Wednesday. Maybe something acoustic...

    1. Best wishes man. I hope all goes well with the surgery.

  4. Not sure which is more surprising this Spintunes, that Edric and Kevin are getting married, or that JoAnn listens to Linkin Park.
