Saturday, February 16, 2013

SpinTunes #6 Round 2 Totals

Here are the links to your reviews:

Official Judges:

Guest Judges: Stephen Carradini
Alternate Judge's Review: Coming soon

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

Unfortunately there was a lot of people the judges & I considered for disqualification this round.  I think we looked for ways to NOT DQ people, but in the end there were 2 songs that we just couldn't find a reason to let through based on the challenge.  Getting DQ'ed does not mean the judges didn't like your song.  It just means we didn't think it met the challenge.

You guys will notice that the last elimination spot was decided by popular vote. (as the rules state) This isn't the first time this has happened, so please keep in mind that even though the popular vote doesn't count as a can still be important.

As usual, if your name is in bold, you have been DQ'ed or eliminated.  I hope you all decide to shadow, because it's been a lot of fun having you participate thus far.

Feel free to check for mistakes in my math...again.

Totals: (Debs &Errol) (Paul) (Niveous) (Graham) (Travis) (Stephen)
TurboShandy - 17 - 12 - 14 - 16 - 4 - 17 (80)
Steve Durand - 12 - 17 - 9 - 15 - 17 - 3 (73)
Jenny Katz - 15 - 2 - 10 - 13 - 14 - 16 (70)
The Middle Relievers - 10 - 11 - 12 - 12 - 13 - 11 (69)
Jerry Skids - 14 - 10 - 16 - 6 - 7 - 14 (67)
MC Ohm-I - 4 - 15 - 17 - 14 - 8 - 9 (67)
Ross Durand - 8 - 14 - 15 - 9 - 10 - 6 (62)
Kevin Savino-Riker - 6 - 16 - 6 - 7 - 11 - 12 (58)
Edric Haleen - 16 - 13 - 5 - 5 - 6 - 10 (55)
RC - 5 - 5 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 8 (48)
Brian Gray - 13 - 4 - 3 - 17 - 9 - 1 (47)
Josh Holober-Ward - 3 - 9 - 2 - 8 - 16 - 7 (45)
Dr Lindyke - 9 - 8 - 7 - 11 - 5 - 2 (42)
"BucketHat" Bobby - 2 - 3 - 13 - 4 - 1 - 15 (38)
Blimp Exhaust - 7 - 1 - 11 - 3 - 3 - 13 (38)
The Chocolate Chips - 11 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 4 (30)
Glen Raphael - 1 - 6 - 1 - 1 - 15 - 5 (29)
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 (0)
Army Defense - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 (0)

Debs And Errol:
TurboShandy - 17
Edric Haleen - 16
Jenny Katz - 15
Jerry Skids - 14
Brian Gray - 13
Steve Durand - 12
The Chocolate Chips - 11
The Middle Relievers - 10
Dr Lindyke - 9
Ross Durand - 8
Blimp Exhaust - 7
Kevin Savino-Riker - 6
RC - 5
MC Ohm-I - 4
Josh Holober-Ward - 3
"BucketHat" Bobby - 2
Glen Raphael - 1
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0
Army Defense - 0

Paul Potts:
Steve Durand - 17
Kevin Savino-Riker - 16
MC Ohm-I - 15
Ross Durand - 14
Edric Haleen - 13
TurboShandy - 12
The Middle Relievers - 11
Jerry Skids - 10
Josh Holober-Ward - 9
Dr Lindyke - 8
The Chocolate Chips - 7
Glen Raphael - 6
RC - 5
Brian Gray - 4
"BucketHat" Bobby - 3
Jenny Katz - 2
Blimp Exhaust - 1
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0
Army Defense - 0

Niveous Devilchild:
MC Ohm-I - 17
Jerry Skids - 16
Ross Durand - 15
TurboShandy - 14
"BucketHat" Bobby - 13
The Middle Relievers - 12
Blimp Exhaust - 11
Jenny Katz - 10
Steve Durand - 9
RC - 8
Dr Lindyke - 7
Kevin Savino-Riker - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
The Chocolate Chips - 4
Brian Gray - 3
Josh Holober-Ward - 2
Glen Raphael - 1
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0
Army Defense - 0

Graham Porter:
Brian Gray - 17
TurboShandy - 16
Steve Durand - 15
MC Ohm-I - 14
Jenny Katz - 13
The Middle Relievers - 12
Dr Lindyke - 11
RC - 10
Ross Durand - 9
Josh Holober-Ward - 8
Kevin Savino-Riker - 7
Jerry Skids - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
"BucketHat" Bobby - 4
Blimp Exhaust - 3
The Chocolate Chips - 2
Glen Raphael - 1
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0
Army Defense - 0

Travis Norris:
Steve Durand - 17
Josh Holober-Ward - 16
Glen Raphael - 15
Jenny Katz - 14
The Middle Relievers - 13
RC - 12
Kevin Savino-Riker - 11
Ross Durand - 10
Brian Gray - 9
MC Ohm-I - 8
Jerry Skids - 7
Edric Haleen - 6
Dr Lindyke - 5
TurboShandy - 4
Blimp Exhaust - 3
The Chocolate Chips - 2
"BucketHat" Bobby - 1
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0
Army Defense - 0

Stephen Carradini:
TurboShandy - 17
Jenny Katz - 16
"BucketHat" Bobby - 15
Jerry Skids - 14
Blimp Exhaust - 13
Kevin Savino-Riker - 12
The Middle Relievers - 11
Edric Haleen - 10
MC Ohm-I - 9
RC - 8
Josh Holober-Ward - 7
Ross Durand - 6
Glen Raphael - 5
The Chocolate Chips - 4
Steve Durand - 3
Dr Lindyke - 2
Brian Gray - 1
Steven Wesley Guiles - 0
Army Defense - 0

Popular Vote Totals:
Jerry Skids - 59
Dr Lindyke - 18
Brian Gray - 12
Kevin Savino-Riker - 11
Jenny Katz - 10
RC - 10
Edric Haleen - 8
"BucketHat" Bobby - 8
Josh Holober-Ward - 8
TurboShandy - 7
Steve Durand - 5
Ross Durand - 5
MC Ohm-I - 5
Blimp Exhaust - 4
Glen Raphael - 3
Steven Wesley Guiles - 3
Army Defense - 3
The Chocolate Chips - 3
The Middle Relievers - 2
(184 total votes)

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