Friday, March 8, 2013

I'm Stepping Down

I'm in the process of moving right now, and my internet access will probably be cut off completely on Monday.  A week after the internet goes, I should be done moving my stuff into the new place (hopefully)  But I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get things like a new internet provider.  I'll have other things to take care of first.

So...Tom & Dave will be taking over for the rest of the contest.  They have access to the blog, SpinTunes e-mail, the judges forum, the SpinTunes Twitter, and bandcamp account.  They'll be taking care of posting updates, uploading songs, and coordinating with the judges.

I won't be here when the winner is announced, but I look forward to checking out the results as soon as I'm able.  Thank you to the judges, guest judges, the competitors, Jules & anyone who has shadowed during this contest.

Good luck to all 4 of the finalist,


  1. Good luck on the move, bud. Hope to see you around the internets again soon.


  2. Peace out, Holmes. Catch you on the flip side. Be there or be square. I have no idea what I'm saying.

  3. I think this ultimately turned out to be a pretty great SpinTunes! Thanks for letting me judge and good luck with the move!
