Tuesday, February 11, 2014

SpinTunes #8 Round 1 Songs

Tom is getting pretty dang good at running these LP's.  He even broke the tradition of screwing up Edric's song that I started long ago.  The preshow ran smoothly, the 30 minute RC tribute was awesome, and then the rest of the show went without a hitch as well.  Thanks.  We had about 35 people in U-Stream at one point, and overall had about 40 people drop in.

The songs are now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. Many of you will be asking friends and family to support you in the popular vote. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs & vote for their favorites. You can vote for up to 5 different people, so they might as well listen to everyone.

Until the round 2 songs are posted I will only allow people to download the round 1 album as a whole. But even after that, PLEASE download the entire album vs downloading just a handful of songs while the contest is on going. BandCamp limits how many free downloads I can give away, and 1 album download counts the same as 1 song download.

After the Listening party ended, some of us hung out in a Google+ hang out awhile.  If you want to drop into our next hangout you can add me to your circles & I'll add you my SpinTunes circle.  Also, we have a private Facebook group that any song contributor to the contest is allowed to join.  I'd love to see you all there joining in on the conversations.

With  29 entries turned in for round 1, that means there will be 8 eliminations in round 1  & 2 and 9 eliminations in round 3. That would leave 4 finalists for round 4. Good luck everyone.

You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Matt Schubbe)

- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar.  -->

- Judges & guest judges need to turn in their reviews & rankings by noon on February 15th (Sat).  That is also when the poll closes for the popular vote.

- Spintown will post the Reviews & Eliminations before February 15th before 11PM (Sat).

- February 16th 1AM (Sun) - Second Challenge is announced.

If anyone wants to make a VIDEO for their song, I will include it here:

Links Of Interest:
(If I forgot one you've already sent Resend it & I'll post it.)
- A song bio was posted by TurboShandy.
- A song bio was posted by Edric Haleen.
- A song bio was posted by Brian Gray.
- A song bio was posted by Menage a Tune.
- A song bio was posted by Dr. Lindyke.
- A song bio was posted by Felix Frost.
- A song bio was posted by Governing Dynamics.
- A review of the round was posted by The Boffo Yux Dudes.
- A review of the reviews was posted by Dr. Lindyke.

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