Tuesday, October 19, 2021

SpinTunes 18 Round 2 Songs

The SpinTunes 18 Round 2 "Escape the Grid" album is now live at BandCamp and can be streamed or downloaded at https://spintunes.bandcamp.com/album/spintunes-18-round-2 or embedded below.

Thanks to Matt Schubbe for the cover art!

The album includes 22 competing entries and 3 shadows. After judging, 13 of the 22 official entries will move on to Round 3. Eliminated competitors are encouraged to submit shadow entries, which may be eligible for reinstatement if an official competitor misses the deadline. In fact, that's exactly what happened this round: When galoshy and Good Guy Sôjàbé failed to submit by the deadline, The Brewhouse Sessions and Menage a Tune were promoted back to regular competitor status.

Upcoming schedule:
  • Now: Judging commences
  • Saturday October 16:
    • 12:01 am Eastern - Round 3 challenge posted
    • 4 pm Eastern - Round 2 Judges' Reviews and Rankings due
    • 8 pm Eastern - Round 2 Results posted

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