Sunday, October 10, 2021

ST 18.1 Reviews and Rankings - Chumpy and Ryan

Chumpy and Ryan's beloved review podcast Two Jerks One Vote returns for SpinTunes 18!

For Round 1, they are joined by their fellow judge Brian of Boy on the Wall, whose written reviews will also be posted separately.

Editing the podcast is always a herculean effort, and the large field this round made it even more so. The episode is, or will be soon, up at the following link:

In the meantime, here are Chumpy and Ryan's rankings:


  1. galoshy
  2. Jim of Seattle 
  3. Temnere 
  4. Sober 
  5. Brian Gray
  6. New Fangled Trolleys 
  7. Good Guy Sôjàbé 
  8. Cavedwellers
  9. See-Man-Ski 
  10. Jealous Brother
  11. Brother Baker
  12. Stacking Theory 
  13. Chas Rock
  14. Daniel Sitler
  15. Jocko Homomorphism 
  16. Third Cat 
  17. Phlubububub 
  18. The Dutch Widows 
  19. Timothy Patrick Hinkle 
  20. thanks, brain
  21. Governing Dynamics
  22. The Brewhouse Sessions 
  23. Sara Parsons 
  24. "BucketHat" Bobby Matheson
  25. Ominous Ride 
  26. Ross Durand 
  27. The Pleasantry 
  28. Boffo Yux Dudes
  29. Entertainment Brothers
  30. matt rhog-miller 
  31. Menage a Tune 
  32. Lichen Throat 

  1. Cavedwellers
  2. New Fangled Trolleys 
  3. Brian Gray
  4. Jim of Seattle 
  5. Chas Rock
  6. The Dutch Widows 
  7. Temnere 
  8. Sober 
  9. Jocko Homomorphism 
  10. Timothy Patrick Hinkle 
  11. Phlubububub 
  12. "BucketHat" Bobby Matheson
  13. Governing Dynamics
  14. Brother Baker
  15. Sara Parsons 
  16. Jealous Brother
  17. Daniel Sitler
  18. Good Guy Sôjàbé 
  19. Third Cat 
  20. See-Man-Ski 
  21. Ross Durand 
  22. Stacking Theory 
  23. Ominous Ride 
  24. Boffo Yux Dudes
  25. The Brewhouse Sessions 
  26. Menage a Tune 
  27. thanks, brain
  28. matt rhog-miller 
  29. Lichen Throat 
  30. galoshy
  31. The Pleasantry 
  32. Entertainment Brothers

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