Sunday, March 27, 2022

ST19.1 Reviews and Rankings - Red Watcher

Rankings and reviews from Red Watcher!

1Pigfarmer Jr
2Hot Pink Halo
3"BucketHat" Bobby Matheson
5Also In Blue
6Ominous Ride
8Dented Bento
10Night Sky
12Richard Shakespeare
14Fluke Wilson
15Hanky Code
17Melody Klein
18thanks, brain
19Governing Dynamics
20With Joe
22Star Bear
27The Dutch Widows
29Quazimodo's Balls
30Stephen Weigel
31Roman Numeral Orange

ST19R1 Reviews

(Sigh. Halfway through making my reviews, my notes program and the autosaves failed me. I’m afraid I will have to do very simple reviews this time. For now, I’ll try to let you guys know what are my favorite parts of your songs while I lick my wounds. Apologies.)

Challenge — Shh!: Write a song about a secret.

Something to note: I love this challenge, but I didn’t realize how broad we allowed the challenge to be. There was no need to divulge the contents of the secret, which resulted in pretty vague lyrics and stories. And musically, many people understood secrets were meant to be hidden, but most methods to cover the secrets were to make it noisy, distracting, and sometimes confusing. As a result, I didn’t really see the creativity I was expecting because everything sounded like the same muddled mess, and I think most of my high ranks were given to more specific storytelling. 

But I’m not blaming the competitors! In retrospect, I think we the judges should have further refined the challenge. You guys did splendidly and I hope you all had fun!


Melody Klein - Just
I enjoyed the myriad of textures, providing a dark atmosphere of purposeful confusion to cover a sinister secret.

Richard Shakespeare - Oh No
Sad and sweet. Not an attitude of anger, but a gentle acceptance of something tragic. I liked the choice of mood.

Quazimodo’s Balls - Limited Time Offer
A quick flight, fun and trippy filters everywhere. Not bad. Going, going, and it’s gone!

See-Man-Ski - Our Little Secret
Solid production, and the lyrics mix well with the music that takes me back to my high school days. Effective.

Stephen Weigel - What’s Your Secret, Hermit?
Whew, after listening, I feel almost as mad as a hermit! Very ambitious. The composition was most interesting. Micromodal is a new concept to me, I should research it more.

Governing Dynamics - Widow’s Peak, Kentucky
Yet again, I return to the cool refreshing pool of melancholy. Safe choices. Simple thing I love, the guitar line during the VI-III-IV chord progression.

Star Bear - A Foreign Language
Completely relatable, I am not a romantic. That’s why we have music! Sweet and earnest, the strings are honestly my favorite.

FireBear - The Seeds
Interesting story, would’ve thought it was another drug-trip song. What if the “seeds” was a metaphor of people sharing knowledge and wisdom, leaving it up to us to grow from it? Anyway, I like the shouty clipping bridge vocals and the “never tell a soul” delivery.

Pigfarmer Jr - Sitting Silently
Lucky you, I’ve been on a true crime doc binge. Very interesting story. The chorus rolls so awesomely, but the sitting muteness after the “grave” line that completely arrests me. Honestly, thank you for sharing. My favorite submission from you yet.

Rackwagon - Articles
Huh, you’re right, Alan Turing did have some secrets. I’m impressed how chippy and dancy this feels for such a sad life. My favorite was the lyrical design and creative topic choice.
Dented Bento - A Man Is A Clam
Omg, 70s David Bowie, kooky, sushi, funny; I freaking love this. It hurts how much this makes me smile. Thank you. The whole flavor is my favorite.

With Joe - Somebody Knows
A solid production delivering a secret of a murder, but perhaps the bigger secret is his deep paranoia. Interesting and fresh. I highlight the lyrics for the verses and of course the refreshing bridge.

Marlon - *Tom Delonge Voice* Wheroar Yheww
Interesting select picks, while keeping the dreamy performance. Yeah, rock that glockenspiel! But the *drop* after the “drop” stole the show for me.

Roman Numeral Orange - don’t pour it out
A relentless collection of loops, quite hypnotic. A little creepy, and well, I like the creepy. 

Regis - Three Can Keep a Secret (If Two of Them are Dead)
Not sure where the song’s bio was taking me, but I can appreciate a well-executed song. I like the fun attitude.

The Dutch Widows - What Does It Matter?
That’s quite a secret. I’m still not sure what it is. This is an ocean too deep for me to dive. But I like the flavor of the music, I do feel like I’m at shores.

Firefly - It’s Juicy
Hehe, I like the children singing, excellent choice, they totally steal the show. But I am also impressed how the harmonies work. And the guitar solo can’t be ignored, very good. Title holds well.

Phlub - Extrasensory
Honestly, it’s a bit messy, but the concept and execution is super cool and yeah I would listen to this many more times for the fun of it. Way to throw those harmonics into extra dimensions. 

Hot Pink Halo - Invisible Ink
Mmmmmm, this hits the spot for me! Although my ranking may not show it, this is my favorite song in the round, the one most stuck in my head, and it’s just down-right fun and adorable. More, please!

“BucketHat” Bobby Matheson - Ease My Mind
Excellent choice with organ. Really sets everything in place for me, letting the song carry on the pensive and eager delivery. I don’t care how simple you made this seem, I love how sincere it sounds, and it is my favorite composition from you.

Also In Blue - A Good Man (But A Lousy Wizard)
Best choice for the challenge, and gets high ranking because you seem to nail it so well. Solid and safe execution keeps you near the top of my list.

Chewmeupsitmeout - Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm?
Wow, it feels like the soundtrack of a movie with a fascinating story. The dark shifting atmosphere is my favorite. High marks for production effort, justified with good mystery. Excellent job!

L.J.P - Hero
Seems pleasant and optimistic, a wise choice to stand-out. The direction is a contrast to the dark, brooding flavors that seem to invade other people’s secrets. I think my favorite is the bridge part near the end.
Thanks, brain - I Should Have Told You
Where other songs focus on making confusing noises to amplify the mystery of the secret, I can appreciate a song that makes it very clear: yes, I have a secret. Kinda sad lyrics with a casual tone, but I guess grieving is different for everyone. And now I wonder what you should have said. Oh well, such are secrets. Clearly.

Night Sky - Secret Society
Ahh, such jazz, such style! I love the instruments and the blending flavor of it all. 

Fluke Wilson - Corner Store Jesus
Johnny Cash comes back with.a drunk vice. A slow burn, a hard crash, a horrifying ride I can’t get out, all very good. The character held well. To the very end. And still oddly satisfying. 

Ominous Ride - Don’t Say Anything
That rhythm was sublime! I sensed the pressure, the frustration, the rush… Whatever mistakes you thought you made, I completely ignored them for the fun of the song. I enjoyed the songcrafting design.

SunLite - Secrets
I’m a little unclear what these secrets are, but I thought it was musically cutesy so I was leaning on carefree relationships. It’s quite charming. My favorite part is the blitz of guitar sounds at the end.

Mandibles - To Have and To Hide
Wow, that is some juicy drama! Thanks for the song bio. Lots going on in the story, I wish there was a series of songs to further explore the theme. Something epic and ambitious, kind of musically progressive, which I quite enjoy. That ending, though… to be continued?

Hanky Code - Secret Lair
A solid production, and I expected nothing less. Yeah, take me to your secret lair, sounds fun.

Sober - Can’t Take It With You
Hmph, the sound of reckoning. I’m onboard. I wonder what this secret is all about. Ah well, I’ll have to settle with listening to some very neat and exciting string-picking, which is easily my favorite part.

The Late Heavy Bombardment - Hello? (The grim awakening of Helly R)
Yet another example that shadows make some of the best listenings. Production sounds pretty cool. The musical deadpanness of the verses is fascinating, and I really love the shift and progressions in the chorus. And concludes just as mysteriously. I would’ve ranked it 13th place, but don’t let that fool you, I feel much loved the song for its mood and delivery.

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