Sunday, April 10, 2022

ST19.2 Reviews and Rankings - Red Watcher

3Star Bear
6The Dutch Widows
7Also In Blue
9Hot Pink Halo
11Dented Bento
12Richard Shakespeare
13Night Sky
14Ominous Ride
16Melody Klein
17Governing Dynamics

ST19R2 Reviews

Honestly, this challenge was not my top choice. I think I was afraid of how much research I would have to do to understand both the story and the settings, to see how well you guys fit it all. I would have found this round very challenging, so kudos to everyone who attempted it. Even bigger kudos to those who managed to complete and submit it.
Challenge - Anachronism: Retell all or part of an existing story (historical, fictional, mythological, etc.), setting it in a different time period (and, optionally, location) from the original. Identify your source material in your song bio


Melody Klein - Etude No. 15 - Virtual Descartes
Reverbial piano intro instantly hooks my attention. I am impressed a song with so few lines can extend to that length of time in music. More blips and swoops and plunks that I enjoy. Thoughtful topic, with a musical setting that demands to be taken seriously.
Favorite Part: Arrangement - A wise choice of topic for your skills of production and selective textures.

Richard Shakespeare - Push (Sisyphus The Insurance Clerk)
The song maintains to be pretty fresh with interesting song-crafting twists and musical directions. 
Favorite Part: Topic - Not sure why it never occurred to me before, but Sisyphus finally made sense to me through this song. I have successfully learned. Good job!

Star Bear - Nothing
Plenty of emotion for a song about feeling nothing. Lol It’s okay, it was a good choice, I took it as you were refusing to feel nothing. The simplicity of the composition was effective for being relatable and accessible, and this is crucial for the amount of lyrics you needed to collect into your 5 mins of exasperation. Even the ending is succinct in tone. To me, you pulled a miracle: you remained consistent in spirit, but you played the song without sounding monotonous and boring. Very good.
Favorite Part: Performance - The vocals were quite the highlight for me. I sense a quality in it that is loving and personal.

Dented Bento - Og Go To Safeway
Interesting topic to explore. I suppose shoppers can act pretty primitive. Spam musubi, huh? Such specific diets for such supposedly uncultured clans. Another song that makes me hungry for food. (What are you doing? You’re exposing my addiction!)
Favorite Part: Composition - There are two things specifically: the sudden tempo blastoff at the chorus and doesn’t let go for the rest of the song, and the arpeggiated synth blips in the chorus that remind of the rush in Supermarket Sweep. Chef’s kiss for that.

See-Man-Ski - Ellie
This feels pretty Florida to me. And being from Florida, hurricanes sweeping up old people’s lives feels pretty familiar. Kind of feels like the wakeup after the storm, coming out and assessing the damages. But I’m glad you attempted to retain some optimism.
Favorite Part: Topic - The connection of story and setting is unexpected but kept my attention. The delivery justified the choice.

Rackwagon - Please Like and Subscribe
There is a lot I like here. Like the topic of making music. And Amadeus. (Of course I love that movie!) And I’m glad you threw in an unexpected bridge. I sense pompousness, perhaps from the pizzicato treatments, and the subtle turnings of mood by the slipping in and out of instruments.
Favorite Part: Composition - The chorus is musically strange: it seems like it wants to be normal but casually errs to demented, which I’ve actually quite enjoyed. I blame the creeping horns, an excellent addition. The intro sounds like soundtrack, cool for me, the ending sounds existentially bittersweet, even better. Thank you!

Mandibles - The Jester King
I can appreciate the choice of topic and relating it to recent news. But honestly, I’m actually more welcoming of the choice of the classic rock genre. Sounds super cool for a song that has a jester for its mascot. Guess it puts the king forefront, doesn’t it?
Favorite Part: Performance - You guys make it all look so easy! Vocals and guitar work are obvious picks to note.

The Dutch Widows - Demolition Order
This kind of reminds me of early New Order, and I love the sound, absolutely fun. It delivers a comedy to a distressing story, I think, which is a wise choice. How do you put such an annoying situation into an exciting musical backdrop? And make it sound smooth and cool? Miraculous.
Favorite Part: Arrangement - Although I struggle to make sense of the simplicity of the musical rollercoaster matching with the sophistication of the lyrics, at the end of the day, I go with my guts and put this song on replay for the sheer ride of the genre. Thank you.

Firefly - Dot Dash Dance
Morse code put into a dance song? Yes, please! And the direction was thoughtful and well-produced.
Favorite Part: Story - The story submitted with your lyrics was quite entertaining, which I felt was well reflected in the music. And the arrangement was better than any disco song I ever made.

Hot Pink Halo - Going Really Phar
That’s a lot of love given for a race horse! Not making fun, it’s just impressive. The story is pretty ambitious, but thankfully the delivery is tactful and focused. Excellent direction for a horse that seems to go to heaven, or the heavens for this matter. I also appreciate the extensive research you’ve linked for the song.
Favorite Part: Story - But I can’t ignore the interesting injection of the commentator(s?) at the middle of the song. Very clever.

Governing Dynamics - A Traveler’s Journal
I’m pretty familiar of the parable, so thank you, spares me time to research unlike some other songs. And the application of the story is approved. 
Favorite Part: Lyrics - I think the story was well developed, better than most other submissions this round.

Sober - The Soldier’s Song
What an interesting backstory! But I guess that’s quite crucial experience for a classic such as this. It’s odd: I feel the music a little optimistic, but the lyrics depressing. I should be confused, but I actually think the confusion of feelings worked well to your benefit — that it stands, in the end, quite matter-of-fact and resigned to accept responsibility. An old story, but I’m glad it refuses to be forgotten.
Favorite Part: Lyrics - Pretty lovely details smartly personalizes a very familiar story. Excellent job!

Chewmeupspitmeout - Narcissus and Echo
Once again, you deliver a myriad of delightful textures that tells a story as well as the lyrics did. And the story is new to me, seems interesting, and easy to understand with your interpretation. Many have met the challenge, but I think you fulfilled the purpose. Nice job!
Favorite Part: Composition - The “Echo faded away” part is my favorite chunk of music in the whole round. Belongs with the likes of Radiohead.

Ominous Ride - Allegory of the Echo Chamber
I gotta say, as much as I greatly dislike political songs, this was packed with intelligence, in content and musical choices. And the musical turns along the journey refuses to let this song ever get boring, even with the doo-wop treatment.
Favorite Part: Lyrics - Best lyrics of the round in my opinion. 

FireBear - True Love
Fantasy story, 50’s Americana setting, AND punk rock? Ambitious! It’s like a shape-shifting dimension. But this song made it very real and very possible.  It was quite a ride.
Favorite Part: Performance - Honestly, the female vocal at the end was a smart and very refreshing addition. Please send her my thank you.

Phlub - A Night In Babylon
Forgive me of my sins, indeed. This song is so strange and amazing to me. Bible story is actually a plus in my books; but adding a crazy drug trip in the mix makes for plenty fun. The question that always run through my head as I repeat the song endlessly: Is this a good trip? Or a bad trip? Spoken lyrics delivered like dictation from a book was fresh and effective. This song was easy to get scared and lost in, and I love it. Thank you.
Favorite Part: Composition - As seemingly chaotic as the harmonics were placed, the music is probably my favorite of the round. Like Flaming Lips, but more distressing and delicious. “And the sea became acid.” — my favorite line in the round too.

Night Sky - Murder on the Greyhound
Interesting story to revisit for modern times. Seems like I should take some time to read some Poirot stories! 
Favorite Part: Lyrics - I enjoy a good story-telling mystery in a song, and this delivered.

Also In Blue - I Know Tom Dooley Done It
Seems like a huge story, I’m glad you could condense it into a song, let alone shorter than an hour-long episode of Law and Order! It’s a solid production for sure.
Favorite Part: Songcrafting - Despite the bluesy spirit, lots of interesting production elements keep it fresh.

Razor Brain - Smokin’ Hot
Well, thank you for choosing a story I am pretty familiar with. And… uh. Hm. I mean, I like it. I think. 
It is a weird story, isn’t it?
Favorite Part: Lyrics - So, the imagery really shines with thoughts about wife-sisters and words like “smokin’ hot”. Don’t tell God, but it made me giggle.

Hanky Code - My Shoe
Gen Z Cinderella is here, with a cotton-candy, Instagram-ready appearance in this song. I think the fast-paced delivery works well to bring the tale into the modern setting.
Favorite Part: Lyrics - I think you translated the story very well for our upcoming children. Well done. 

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