Monday, May 9, 2022

SpinTunes 19 Bonus Round Listening Party and Deadline News

The contestants' votes have been counted. We have a SpinTunes 19 Champion.

To find out who it is, you'll need to join us tonight at 9 pm EDT at the Bonus Round Listening Party on Youtube or embedded below.

At the Bonus Round, you'll also hear SpinTunes 19 participants cover SpinTunes 19 songs. To whet your appetite, here's a list of the songs I've received or expect to receive covers of:
  • Hot Pink Halo - Invisible Ink
  • marlon. - *Tom Delonge Voice* Wheroar Yheww
  • See-Man-Ski - Get Back (To Where You Came From)
  • Sober - The Soldier's Song
  • The Late Heavy Bombardment - Hello? (the grim awakening of Helly R)
Who will be covering them? How will they be reimagined? Come to the Listening Party to find out!

And there's plenty of room left: If you have a cover you've been working on, or you're inspired to record one today, send it to before 9 pm EDT and we'll play it at the Listening Party and include it on the album!

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