Tuesday, May 10, 2022

ST19.4 Reviews and Rankings - Red Watcher

2Governing Dynamics
3Also In Blue

ST19R4 Reviews

Challenge - What Was That Noise?: Write a song which makes creative use of musical drones or pedal points, and whose lyrics make prominent reference to the supernatural.


See-Man Ski - Super Natural Way

I‘ve been enjoying the variety of styles you’ve been presenting throughout the competition. Dramatic shifts but never losing your head, and yet never settling with the same formula. This entry is no exception. It’s not only cute to make this a romantic story, but it’s also a smart move to differentiate yourself from an influx of potentially creepy and spooky songs. 

I guess the droning of the bass at the chorus, on the most obvious note, would be sufficient for the challenge. Perhaps the lyrics are a bit lighter than I expected, with the bridge lyric not exactly groundbreaking. But simplicity and relatability is the smart direction to take at this point, and you nailed it here. You’ve worked hard to achieve the win, and you deserve it. 

Favorite Part: Uhh, the maow? Lol i like catz

Favorite Song: “Get Back” - The music was absolutely sublime. I was taken back to my high school years when everyone hated Bush. More, please.

Governing Dynamics - Two Different Worlds

At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this song, seemed too complex; but congrats, it grew well with me. I was eventually able to digest the nuances, and every listen has helped me appreciate the harmonics. I think the bass line guided me.

Lyrics were greatly supported by the song bio. I was having some difficulty seeing the specific supernatural element, or honestly whatever was going on, until I read your interesting story background. Lucky you, I’m much more impressed by sounds than words, and the music was certainly incredible. The shifting chords on shifting layers successfully weaves the environment of the topic. It was like the music was supernatural enough. And as for the pedal points, well, actually, I’m embarrassed to say, I guess I didn’t notice them until you pointed them out. I agree with your points, and maybe it’s a testament of your mastery in song crafting, I guess I was just sitting in the soundscape to forget about the droning challenge. That should be a compliment, right?

You already know how much I love your stuff, you’ve had a whole decade hearing it from me. Although others should have their chance to shine, I won’t be surprised if you win.

Favorite Part: Whatever that percussive pipe organ sound was playing? Obviously, those chords were out of this world!

Favorite Song: I think it’s “Two Different Worlds”, but I’ll want to listen to it a couple more times later… :) 

Also In Blue - Doppelgänger

I could say I like the design of the vocal harmonies, or maybe it’s the go-go beat, maybe this keyboard sound texture, maybe the story or its supernatural topic. I just can’t decide: everything in here is a box of delicious chocolatey goodness. .

It’s been solid solid stuff, and this one nails the challenge best from all the entries, but like the other Round 4 songs, I was too interested with the story to notice the musical challenges it met, which was implemented so smoothly. Like another Brian Gray, another master of smooth and bold productions, maker of Sweet ’n Mild songs. I can see why you won Spintunes previously, and I can understand why it would happen again.

Favorite Part: You’re a genius if you did this on purpose, but I swear… is that keyboard on the outro the doppelgänger? Something different about that keyboard… What a clever switch!

Favorite Song: Probably this song, “Doppelgänger”. I would say Tom Dooley, because of its genre, but it was quite a bit long; this one I could put on repeat, at least for my ears.

Sober - From Either Side of the Grave

Oooh boy, I love this song, I think I could put this on repeat for a while. I sense this permeating viciousness for reckoning, as enjoyable as a strong dark coffee. The aggressive picking, the fuming bass, spiteful vocals, hmmmm. It’s not for everyone, admittingly, but for those who like the serious and relentless treatment, I have no regrets in saying I hope you win the round. Regardless, you’ve made a fan of me.

Sustaining the vocal harmonies on their notes was definitely the smart move for the challenge and the story. Excellent use. Supernatural use was a bit ambiguous, sure, but I could interpret the supernatural element to be the entities of persisting evil. Doesn’t it make you wonder where the evil comes from? Don’t you wonder how we know what is evil when we see it?… But I digress.

Favorite Part: Difficult to choose. Probably the harmony haunts. :)

Favorite Song: Again, difficult to choose. For the intensity, probably this song.

Phlub - Yeti

Can you cite the sources that inspired you to musically make this? It is simply incredible and immensely inspirational.

Favorite Part: The genre

Favorite Song: It was close, but I might actually still prefer “A Night In Babylon”. I guess I just like my classics.

Hot Pink Halo - Start Again

The droning is evident, despite the subtle production, within the plucking guitar sounds. But I’m guessing the horoscopes are the supernatural element? Perhaps you were a bit too distracted on that crossword puzzle. Musically, I like the light-hearted approach of simple click-clacks, with a melody as daydreamy as the narrator’s state of mind. But subtle layers that sit in the background kind of invites me to look deeper than the surface, perhaps a hint at the end of bridge? 

Am I underestimating this song? Was the puzzle that fun and addicting? Or was the puzzle a desperate means of escape from something else, like the idea of starting something over?… So subtle.

Favorite Part: That “fantasies” bridge is just a delight, ending with the perfect chord. So eerie and so touching.

Favorite Song: “Invisible Ink”, hands down. I’m sorry, I wanted to do a cover for the song, but I’m afraid it’s too clever for me at the moment, I need more time.

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