Monday, March 20, 2023

ST20.1 Listening Party and Deadline News

 Congratulations to all who submitted to SpinTunes 20 Round 1. I'm thrilled that this is the biggest Round 1 in SpinTunes history, with 47 official entries and one shadow! 

With 47 acts competing, the elimination schedule will be as follows, barring ties on the threshhold:

  • Round 1: 15 acts eliminated, 32 move on
  • Round 2: 14 acts eliminated, 18 move on
  • Round 3: 14 acts eliminated, 4 move on
  • Round 4: 3 acts eliminated, 1 Champion crowned!

You are welcome to submit a shadow entry anytime if you missed the deadline, have another song to submit, or didn't originally sign up for the contest; it will be played at the Listening Party if received in time, and all shadows are posted on the Bandcamp album along with the official entries.

Speaking of the Listening Party, that will be hosted by Tommy G tonight at 9 pm EDT on YouTube. Hear the songs for the first time and chat with the contestants. Join us at this YouTube link, or embedded below.


  1. Hi all. I won't be joining the listening party live. That's 2am here in Europe and we are in the middle of a family crisis. My father-in-law is receiving paliative care and it could be any moment now.
    As a newbie, here is my question. Will there be a way to listen after the live listen is over?

    1. Yes. You can replay the Live Listen, also the songs are usually posted.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1am start here in the UK so a little late, especially on a school night but hopefully I can replay it later? Or when do the songs go up on Bandcamp?
    (no way to edit comments on this thing hence above)
