Sunday, March 26, 2023

ST20.1 Reviews - Lichen Throat

 Rankings from Lichen Throat:

1Balance Lost
2The Popped Hearts
3Single Pint of Failure
6The Alleviators
7The Dutch Widows
8Daniel Sitler
9Brother Baker
10The Practitioners
11Also In Blue
13Simon Purchase James
16James Young
17Jealous Brother
18Huge Shark
19Governing Dynamics
20Stacking Theory
21"BucketHat" Bobby Matheson
23thanks, brain
24Hot Pink Halo
25The Pannacotta Army
26Susan Veit Heslin
30Jeff Walker
31Berni Armstrong
32Night Sky
33Ominous Ride
34Jocko Homomorphism
36Bubba & TGOTK
37Good Niche Gracious
38Phantom Woes
39Loren Kiyoshi Dempster
40TEGFKA Timmy
41JW Hanberry
42Tunes by LJ
47Menage a Tune

Read on for Lichen Throat's full reviews!

Berni Armstrong - It Will Come in Handy One Day

The lyrics are fun and decently clever. The simple instrumentation is fine but might fit better in a shorter song, I'm tapping my fingers to the rhythm, so you’ve got some rhythm. I think the song could use more internal variation. I like the Irish feel and the combination of picked and strummed notes.

Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Knock Knock Knock

The execution is pretty good, but I'm not keen on the overall aesthetic. The production isn't too bad but feels a little flat. Perhaps the song needs another element to provoke more interest. I like the verses more than the chorus. I don’t think you need the effect on your vocal. 

Daniel Sitler - Sunshine

The level of musicianship is not the highest (hmmm…or is it better than I thought at first?), but the song is good enough to overcome that. I really like how you have high intensity without harshness. Melodies are good throughout, and the song feels earnest. Good songwriting. I like the little variations in vocals and instrumentation. Maybe a little too long and repetitive.

The Pannacotta Army - Never Look Back

This song has the best production of anyone here, and it’s not all that close. The performances are technically excellent, but I did not find the song to be very interesting. That said, this moved up quite a few spots from my initial to final ranking, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re doing good things that I’m not sophisticated enough to fully appreciate. That’s a nice keyboard melody in the instrumental parts. As I listened, it was hard not to count 1-2-3 in my head throughout. The short moments of silence are a nice touch, and I liked the solo at the end.

Balance Lost - A Temporary Window

This is very good overall. There nice internal variation and excellent transitions from one section to another. This is definitely in the top echelon. Your vocal style fits well with the song's aesthetic. The keyboard solo in the bridge (and its brief reprise at the end) feels out of place, but everything else is just right.

Single Pint of Failure - Don’t Believe in Hope

This is very reminiscent of Guided by Voices, with a very appealing low-fi sound. But turn down your mix a little; this seemed like the loudest song in the round. There are good melodies, and the guitar line establishes an unstoppable rhythm.  There might—and I mean might—be too many "got to work”s. This is a simple but excellent composition; everything works well together.

Weiner - Play Your Hand

I like the strings. However, the performances feel too loose, and I think the song needs more variation between verse and chorus. Those super low strings are great. To me, the vocal melodies lack appeal, and the song feels very monolithic.

Sober - Things You Can’t Unsay

This is great banjo playing, obviously. The lyrics fit perfectly with the overall sound. It seems like you're singing higher than you should be (or maybe the vocal recording sounds thin). You have a great vocal flow. This song has all the elements that it should, and it simply sounds good.

Tunes by LJ - Draw the Line

I felt like this was too short to allow me to get into it, and there was so much internal variation that it lacked cohesion. I like your production in general. Nice piano playing and smooth vocal.

Stacking Theory - Make it Great

I like this more than I thought I would at first. You can lay off the vocal effects—your voice sounds good naturally. I'd like to hear this with an even more lush and dreamy production. The arrangement and structure are good.

Hot Pink Halo - Op Shop

You have a talent for weird melodies that grow on the listener. I’m not thrilled with the mix: the drums seem too quiet sometimes but not all the time, and the instruments sounds seem unbalanced rather than spatially separated. The songwriting is pretty good, and the composition is structurally sound. You have nice transitions from chorus back to verse.

Jeff Walker - Try Again

I like your vocal timbre, but the delivery seems too self-consciously ornate. The drum machine sound doesn't fit with the tone of the other instruments. You are clearly a skilled musician, but I’m not sure I like your stylistic choices. This was not the most creative lyrical take. The guitar playing is good, and I like the instrument interplay.

The Evil Genius formerly known as Timmy - Monkey Videos

I like the transition from verse to chorus. This is an interesting lyrical take on the challenge. The mix volume seems too variable. I’m not keen on the falsetto in the chorus. I like the synth bass but not necessarily the other instrument sounds. There's a good song under here, but the production does it no favors.

Huge Shark - Edge of a Knife

The lyrics clearly meet the challenge. You’ve got a nice rhythm and excellent vocal timing. The establishment of atmosphere is strong. I'd like to hear more instrument melody rather than just chord progressions. This is pretty good overall. I like that your style is distinct from the other entries. 

Profestriga - Useless Sapphic

You have a competent rap delivery. I liked the rap parts better than the non-rap parts. Piano with rap feels novel and was my favorite aspect of the song. I’m not sure I have the right background to fully appreciate this. There’s a good and original-sounding rhythm. Your explanation about the song helped me understand the lyrics better (and was interesting, too).

Mandrake - Supernova

To me, this does not feel cohesive. The lyrics are hard to understand. I like the drum part that starts about halfway through. I think the song takes too long to get up to full steam, but I do like the dreamy part at the end.

The Practitioners - Heaven

You have a very good rap delivery. This is not up my alley but clearly is pretty good. Strong production and good wordplay. I like the little comments in the backing vocals, and the song has nice internal variability. Thumbs up.

The Popped Hearts - Never Miss A Chance To Miss A Chance

I love the opening guitar part. The song has excellent melodies and chord changes. I'd like the vocal performance to be a little tighter, but that's a minor quibble. You might want to tone down the guitar feedback about 20%. This is great overall. I like the drums even though I don't think they're real.

Phlub - 2023 Valley Motors Tesla Cybertruck Promo

As usual, you are not risk-averse in the least. I think this is funny enough to get you through to round 2. This is a good lyrical take with good flow of the vocals. Obviously the vocal delivery is intended to be somewhat annoying, but that loses appeal once the novelty wears off. I appreciate your full commitment to execution of concept. The female voice-over at the end is spot on.

Susan Veit Heslin - Go My Own Way

I like the hints of medieval melodies. I like each individual moment of this, but it is a lot of similar content and needs to have more differentiation internally. Another instrument would be welcome, but I like the guitar playing. Nice voice.

Siebass - Just Go Away

Very solid, good chorus, structurally sound. A less droning tone could be an improvement. "What doesn't kill us makes us weaker" is a good line. This isn’t not my favorite, but it's significantly above average. 

The Dutch Widows - Just The White Wine?

There are very pleasant tones on everything in the song. I love your vocal timbre; however, I get the feeling that you don't like your voice anywhere near as much as it deserves. It’s okay to realize that you sound great. I understand how the subdued, even-toned vocal fits with the lyrical aesthetic, but I'd like an energetic chorus anyway. I like "the only way to capture time is a clock."

Loren Kiyoshi Dempster - Land Of Opportunity

Although I quite like your idea of contrasting the potential implications of different knocks at the door, the lyrics seem to be an elaborate way of saying "hey, these obviously discriminatory practices are bad.” Well, yeah. The music indicates a lighthearted tone, but the song isn't funny enough to justify it, and your point is made too overtly for proper irony. I agree with your sentiments, but I don't think the song works very well. Also, it’s a bit on the long side. However, I am genuinely impressed by the number of lyrics that you fit into a song of almost reasonable length. I like that plucked string instrument, whatever it is.

Roddy - Piano opportunity

I had trouble getting into this one. You're obviously going for a highly stylized vocal delivery, but I don't think the song is all that interesting. You have nice piano playing, especially toward the end.

Governing Dynamics - To The Moon!

There's nothing on the right to balance the guitar on the left until about halfway through. I like the overall sound, but I thought at first that I would like this more than I eventually did. I think I'd prefer a tighter-feeling set of performances on this song. The bridge almost appears to be a separate song. Still, for all that, not too bad.

Yeslessness - My Secret

I never found my way into the rhythm, either on the verse or chorus. Nice use of "force majeure." I really liked the brief a cappella part near the end. I think the song could use stronger melodies throughout.

James Young - What Can I Do?

The sense of intensity, which is my favorite aspect of the song, matches the lyrics well. There’s a high level of musicianship. The song is maybe a bit too long (or maybe not—I’m undecided on that point). I had trouble pinpointing a clear specific opportunity in the lyrics, but the overall sentiment is close enough not to lose points for noncompliance with challenge.

thanks, brain - Looking Down

The intro seems initially uninteresting but the song settles into a decent groove. You have a nice guitar tone and overall soundscape. There’s a hint of Pink Floyd without slavish imitation. This might be a little too short. I like your lyrical take.

JW Hanberry - Opportunity Knockin’

I like the guitar opening, and the song has an interesting spatial mix. The structure seems weird and sort of feels like it's from a musical: Rocky Horror meets David Lee Roth. To me, this was not particularly pleasant to listen to. The musicianship is competent, and song is consistent in concept.

Cavedwellers - The Last Gasp Of An Empire (The Amateur Draft)

This is a super strong intro. Your mix is very good. The song has a prog rock sensibility but also has good melodies and is very listenable. There’s tight (in a positive sense) musicianship. The song is both cohesive and internally varied and is enjoyable overall. I’m not sure this is the best title to go with these lyrics, but that doesn’t matter much. I like your lyrical take on the challenge. Cool solo. I liked this a lot.

chewmeupspitmeout - Never Die

I hear hints of Angelo Badalamenti. The verses feel slow, but the choruses have a nice subtle intensity. Overall, the song has a strong atmosphere. It feels too long as a standalone song but might fit well in a movie soundtrack. The end section feels out of place. I like your singing on the drawn-out notes in the chorus.

Brother Baker feat. Father - The Sloth

The production feels different on each vocalis. This rocks hard and has a nice high energy. It’s enjoyable to be awash in all the waves of sound. The composition/arrangements could maybe use more deliberation (or maybe not—I did like this even more on repeated listens). I don't like the fade out, but this good overall. Oh yeah.

The Alleviators

This cries out for lusher production (especially on the vocals). It’s a very good composition, with a delightful combo of male and female vocalists. Basically, this is a great song held back by mediocre production. The drums don't quite seem to match the rest of the aesthetic. I definitely want to hear more from this band. The chorus melody was my favorite of the round. Pleasantly reminiscent of The Submarines (their good songs, anyway).

Simon Purchase James - Voices Fill the Air

This is a nice protest song. The sentiments are perhaps a bit too overt (but maybe that makes sense for a protest song). You have good melodies and good flow to the lyrics. The song is distinctive. I’d really love to hear harmonies on this. I have a positive impression overall. The airport background noise actually enhances the song. It feels like I'm right there with you. If you really did this in the airport, it sounds great; if you faked it, good job. I’m genuinely a little inspired. This doesn't feel as long as it is.

"BucketHat" Bobby Matheson - Knockin’ on Wood

I like the structure, but it needs to feel more exuberant, perhaps because the mix feels a bit flat. Maybe it should be faster—I’m not sure. This is a pretty good song compositionally. It was hard for me to get a handle for commenting, which is why this paragraph is short. For this type of song, the double tracking should probably be tighter. Not bad, not great.

Jealous Brother - Missed Calls

The instrumental intro promises more complexity than the song delivers. This has good performances and production. It could be an AOR standard in another universe. It doesn't really grab me but is pretty good. The dual vocal section near the end is cool.

Also In Blue - Miss Opportunity

The great mix is immediately apparent. This is not my favorite genre but is quite good nevertheless. The high level of craftsmanship is evident. Nice harmonies. The song feels maybe a bit too comfortable and seems risk-averse. Very accomplished.

Phantom Woes - New Woman, New Cry

This feels like it never quite gets going. I like the piano bit in the middle. The vocals toward the end are appealing. The song has good elements but they don't seem to fit together right. It did grow on me a bit, however, and moved up several spots from my initial ranking after listening more.

Ominous Ride - The Deal

This is very ominous for sure, with its Halloweenish, atmospheric. The production is competent, which matters in a song of this style. I think it needs stronger melodies in the slower sections. I liked the solo. Overall, I feel like I should have liked this more than I did. You have a good lyrical implementation of the challenge.

Jocko Homomorphism - The Captive Sphinx

It sounds like you had fun with this, and for us judges, it might be just fun enough to get past the first round, but further advancement will likely require less of a novelty song approach. Your production skill is evident—just write a solid conventional song to go with it next time.

Night Sky - Janus Lies

Nice sax. This has good performances, but to me, song is not particularly compelling. I tried to correct for genre bias against this in my ratings, but there's a chance I didn't do it enough, so if that happened, I'm sorry. I like the lyrics and the execution of the backing vocals in the choruses. 

Ironbark - Privilege

This is cute and sweet, and it has a distinctive lyrical approach to the challenge. Good band name. The drum sounds are weird but cool. This is an interesting composition. I’m not sure how many times I'd want to listen to this, but I like it now. Your voice is perfect for this song and style. Good soundscape. 

Temnere - Sands of Time

Strong musicianship. It’s nice to hear metal with real melodies (and several—not just one). Nice job on the double tracking. This song delivers everything it promises. It’s not my cup of tea but I'll happily drink it anyway. This sounds better if it’s cranked up, so don’t make your mix so quiet next time. The fade out is too short.

Menage a Tune - Push It

I'm impressed, genuinely, by your bravery in submitting an a cappella song. There’s some wind noise in the mic. It’s very hard to execute a song like this, and I think this falls a little short. You have a clear implementation of the lyrical challenge. The lyrical meter doesn't flow well with all the extra syllables squeezed in (which is often a problem for me, too).

Jerkatorium - Opportunity

I like the phaser guitar (or whatever that is). The song is pretty solid. It feels like early 60s rock: pleasant but lacking an edge. Good production and backing vocals. I know you guys can do better, but this should get you to the next round.

Good Niche Gracious - Cold War Master

I followed along with the lyrics exactly as I think you had in mind, beginning with my preconceptions from reading the title. I’m not keen on the keyboard tone. I do, however, like the dual vocal and the increasing intensity. Cool ending.

Mandibles - Time Machine

This has good vocals and a good chorus. The cymbal taps feel plodding, and I think the song could use stronger melodic hooks. You have a good mix and good instrument sounds. The vocal quality carries this a long way. I think it should probably be about a minute shorter.

Weiner - Seven Card Stud [SHADOW]

The song has a nice bass line. You can get away with this level of weirdness in a shadow. The song has an interesting narrative and a few funny lines.

Hutch - Opportunity Knocks [SHADOW]

This begs for a bass or an organ to go along with the guitar. The vocal seems a little out of tune (hey, who am I to complain about that?), but I like the mildly unusual timbre of your voice. I like the little solo, even though it's mixed a little too loud.

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