Sunday, April 23, 2023

ST20.3 Reviews and Rankings - Lichen Throat


1Balance Lost
4The Alleviators
6The Pannacotta Army
7Governing Dynamics
8The Popped Hearts
10Bubba & TGOTK
11Daniel Sitler
14Jeff Walker
15Stacking Theory
16Tunes By LJ
18Jealous Brother

Read on for Lichen Throat's full reviews!

The Popped Hearts - Tusen Takk

The steel drum sounds great. I like the combo of mid-60s rock and Caribbean music. This makes me happy. The ska part is cool. At first, I thought the song might not have staying power, but I continued to like it through repeated listening.

Lyrics: Lyrics are fun but not particularly deep. They suit the sound of the song well. The rhymes are fun.

Daniel Sitler - Everything Ends (Epilogue)

This sounds good but doesn't quite work as a standalone song. I think it would be better as the conclusion of a concept album, with callbacks in lyrics or music to earlier songs. There are cool harmonies among the sustained instruments and backing vocals. Emotionally, the song makes me feel something. I think it’s too long (at least as a standalone song); it feels like it’s going to end about 2:40, which I think would have been a good place to stop. I like the long slow vocal notes.

Lyrics: Lyrics are clear and focused. The lack of specifics and familiar content make them feel a little generic, but they do match the aesthetic of the song.

Stacking Theory - Something That Was Never There

I like how the song opens up in the chorus, but the verses feel a bit plodding. I particularly like the melody at the end of the chorus. The backing vocals fit well. There’s good use of tambourine (which is something I've never said before). I like the slight vocal crackle at the end of the last chorus. Overall, the song feels properly plaintive.

Lyrics: I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with the lyrics, but they seem clever enough and have enough allusions that I don't mind too much. They match the music well.

Balance Lost - Fade to White

This immediately grabs me firmly but not too roughly. Good stuff throughout. You’ve chosen a great title. The song fells both positive and melancholic (in interesting coexistence, not disjointedly). I like the guitar at the beginning of the chorus. This is very, very nice and even has a cool solo, which I wasn’t expecting to be there.

Lyrics: The lyrics are pretty good. There are some excellent individual lines. I can't perceive exactly what you're talking about, but I think I get the right idea anyway. I like that the lyrics are lengthy; it suits the sound of the song. “Fill your mouth with the other shoe” is a great line.

The Pannacotta Army - From The Beginning

I know I say this every time, but mix sounds so full and rich. I did not expect to like this style of song, but I do anyway. I like the verses more than chorus. You have good transitions between sections. The performances are good, and the song is very cohesive overall. This should be in the soundtrack of a movie set in early 1970s France.

Lyrics: The lyrics feel both breezy and a bit melancholic, which matches the instrumental music. The idea was pretty simple, but you did get me to look up Anthony Doerr, so you get credit for some interest and depth.

Jeff Walker - With My Angels

Good production. This is an interesting mashup of different genres, and it’s cool to have a countryish vocal in a different style of song. That said, I’m not sure everything quite comes together. It’s close, though. The bridge sounds great and is an excellent counterpoint to the rest of the song. Performances are good, though I do think the rhythm could use more variation. 

Lyrics: In the lyrics, I'm not sure what the imagery in the verses has to do with the chorus. I like "all alone but never lonely." The verse images seem too self-consciously eclectic to me, though they are interesting.

Siebass - There’s Music All Around

This is very impressive, and I give you extra points for going all-in on the challenge. The implementation is clever Unfortunately, I did not find this enjoyable to listen to. This is the song I struggled with the most in ranking. In retrospect, I wish we had picked a different challenge. I feel like I’m punishing you for taking the challenge seriously and trying hard to implement it. I’m impressed with this, and I admire your risk-taking, but for me it didn’t pay off.

Lyrics: The lyrics seem like a reasonable extension of the conceit (in a literary sense--not arrogance) underlying the song. I am, however, tired of hearing about Chat-GPT. Some of the individual lines are fun, but there's not much that resonated with me. 

The Alleviators - Figure This

Your production is not the best but is improved from round 1. Once again, I thought you had the best melodies of the round. At some points the double tracking is too prominent. There’s a nice sense of buildup within the song, along with a good duet arrangement. You have an irresistible appeal.

Lyrics: The lyrics feel a little disjointed, but since the song appears to be about the inherent messiness of relationships, I think they work well anyway. In this context, where profanity is unexpected given the overall sweet sound of the song, I think it would be better to use it just once (or twice at most) as emphatic punctuation, rather than as a recurring component of the chorus. Still, the sweetness comes through.

Bubba & The Ghost of the Kraken - Castle Čachtice

I have to admit that I strongly disliked this at first. I felt like you made exactly what you had in mind but I didn’t like it, having a sense that it felt too lighthearted and campy for me. However, this kept moving up in my rankings and I genuinely enjoy it now, at least most of the time. It definitely grew on me, despite being almost diametrically opposed to my usual preferences. The quality of execution is good, down to the perfect ending.

Lyrics: You've chosen an interesting lyrical subject. You made me look things up, so that's a good sign. On the other hand, I still can’t get fully into the campy aesthetic of the song. I think that’s my problem, though, not necessarily yours. Full credit for lyrics.

Ironbark - Bit By Bit

Some of those cello notes are unexpected but perfect, but others sound a bit off. The vocal fits this perfectly. Your employ unusual mix of instruments (at least for a song of this style), but they work together well. This holds tension and interest despite being slow, and the bridge fits perfectly. You have a cool vision—it feels like I'm in the presence of Art.

Lyrics: The simple but heartfelt lyrical approach fits well with the music, and the sense of slow learning the lyrics express matches the increasing complexity of the arrangement. The lyrics are earnest and true, which counts for a lot.

Cavedwellers - The Wrong One

This has an excellent opening and start of the first verse. There’s so much going on throughout the song. The rhythm feels unusual but not too weird. There are a lot of ways this style can go wrong, but you avoided most of them. That rhythm! I like how there’s lots of internal variation but still a consistent style. How many of you are there? This sounds like a power trio, showing off in a good way.

Lyrics: I'm not quite sure what this is about (though I have some guesses), but I feel confident that you know and that it would make sense immediately if you explained it. Intriguing enough to give you full credit.

Jealous Brother - No Harm Will Come Your Way

This gets off to a slow start and never quite recovers, at least for me. Several times I feel like I'm on the edge of being drawn in, but it never quite happens. The drums sound like they're in a different space from everything else. I like the little changes in instrumentation as the song progresses.

Lyrics: I think this is an admonition not to be too risk-averse, which is good advice. However, I think it's a little too obscure and lacks memorable lines, so I'm not as intregued as I would like to be.

Tunes By LJ - Salty Air

You have very good production, but for me, it felt sanded so smooth that there was nothing to get a handle on. Unfortunately, it never draws me in. You’ve got a very good falsetto vocal, and good disco rhythm. However, I think the song doesn't build enough tension; this kind of rhythm should make me want to dance, but it doesn't. The little steel drum bits are cool.

Lyrics: The lyrics make sense and match the music pretty well. Nothing earthshaking, but competent.

Phlub - I Love Them Chickadees

Oh wow, this is catchy. You have a good chorus melody. I’m not big on the descending instrumental verse melodies. I'd like to hear this as a couple steps more earnest, rather than with the sense of novelty. This is the song I had in my head the most this week.

Lyrics: Well, I can certainly figure out what the song is about. The content matches the music well. It's about something specific and unusual, both of which are good.

Governing Dynamics - Whisper Gentle Rain

Very smooth. There’s a nice feeling of expansion when the chorus starts. Good solo. The song has cohesive aesthetics. It doesn't grab me and compel me to listen, but it sounds good. I think that perhaps more reverb on the vocal would suit the overall sound.

Lyrics: I wish the lyrics were a little more specific. Nevertheless, I get at least a general idea of what this is about, and it matches the music.

Temnere - Destiny Awaits

Good intro. I don’t think I’ve heard Irish metal before. I think the growly vocal is one step too far, considering the context of the rest of the song. I like the bridge. Overall, the song sounds both silly and harsh at once, which doesn't quite work for me. I like the guitar line in the verses.

Lyrics: Lyrics match the musical concept, in a way that's both traditional and fun. Full lyrical credit.

Mandibles - What Just Happened?

I like the Medieval-sounding verse melodies and orchestration. There’s a cool complex rhythm between verses, but I wish it was more meshed throughout the song. The vocal style fits well with the aesthetic. This feels inventive. Cool solo. This feels longer than it is, and I’m not sure whether that’s good or not.

Lyrics: I wasn't sure at first what this was about lyrically, but then I realized I already knew, which kind of proves that the lyrics work.

Sober - O Sweet Death

This has nice sharp percussion, and good banjo playing. The vocal suits the style well. You have good production. This is very sad. It feels authentic and is impressive. It definitely feels like a fully realized vision. The bass line could be more interesting (or would this distract from the banjo?).

Lyrics: When I looked at the lyrics, I was surprised at how short they were; it feels like more, which is a long way of saying that they're effectively evocative. Man, this is sad.

chewmeupspitmeout - Condemn Me [SHADOW]

This is very evocative of the genre. It sounds like the levels are too high and it's getting distorted. It’s like a chain gang chant with hints of techno—very innovative! I'd like to hear this live in a concert hall with good acoustics; it would be epic.

Lyrics: Lyrics are on point and match the music well. Super cohesive.

Hot Pink Halo - All The Information Is On The Task [SHADOW]

The mix seems lacking in low end aside from the drum. The plucked instrument sounds a bit loose. (I know you're a pretty good musician and can play tighter.) I think perhaps the song could use a more complex rhythm. I like the doubled vocals and like the vocal in general. 

Lyrics: I'm not sure what these lyrics are about, but I like them anyway.

Mandrake - What if? [SHADOW]

This has an interesting drum pattern. I’m not quite sure what you have in mind, but it's cool. This seems deliberately experimental, and I feel like you probably learned something worthwhile. It seems a little jerky but is also very innovative.

Lyrics: I don't think the line about twitter matches the rest of the lyrics, which feel universal and timeless.

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