Monday, May 1, 2023

ST20.4 Listening Party and Deadline News

 The Round 4 deadline has passed. Congratulations to our four finalists, who all made it by the deadline. After tonight's Listening Party, their fates will be in the hands of their fellow SpinTunes 20 contestants. More information about voting as well as submitting Bonus Round covers will be coming in a later blog post.

In the meantime, please join us tonight for the Listening Party hosted by Tommy G, where we'll hear the four competing Final Round songs as well as as five shadow entries. Tommy G expects to be able to begin at 10 pm EDT; any updates will be posted on Twitter.

Join us for the Listening Party on YouTube or watch in the embedded player below. If you're on YouTube, be sure to switch the chat option from "Top Chat" to "Live Chat" to join in on the conversation as we hear these songs for the first time!

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