Wednesday, August 9, 2023

ST21 - Meet the Judges!

I'm very excited to introduce our panel of judges for SpinTunes 21; a stylistically diverse group of musicians who share a commitment to offering thoughtful feedback on your submissions. Keep reading to get to know them; then head over to the sign-up page to throw your hat in the ring!

Cybronica is a modern day bard, traveling the lands to make art and music. Formerly an opera singer, Cybro has performed across America and Europe, and has written numerous classical chamber music pieces including a short opera. In the late 2010’s, they pivoted to singer/songwriter to fulfilled their musical wanderlust, participating in Spintunes, Nur Ein, and SongFight! intermittently as both a solo act and a member of the band Mandibles, as well as in various collaborations with other members of the song writing community. Their music features vocal harmony, folk-like Melodie’s, and a dramatic flair. This is Cybronica’s second stint judging for SpinTunes, and they’re glad to be back! 

Instagram | Spotify

Hey, I’m Mary, though many think I’m Emma with the whole EmKayDeeBee thing, I guess that’s the perils of trying to sound cool in your mid forties?? Feel free to call me EmKay…  I’m a professional musician based in the North West of England close to the Lake District (think lush, green hills and deep, dark lakes, though really just lots and lots of rain). I make my living playing, teaching and using music in healthcare settings, and though my main instrument is the harp I don’t like the stereotypes that probably immediately brings to mind. That said, the idea of being a harpie and luring unsuspecting souls to their deaths is sometimes quite enticing…
I spent my twenties working with a pro pop-orchestra touring the large concert venues across the UK, my thirties settling down into more regular work and parenthood, developing my passion for working in close quarters musically with people going through significant life moments health-wise, including song-writing with those on hospice. FAWM became a big part of my world in 2018, and there has since been various concept albums, a complete musical, and many gorgeous-to-do collaborations. I took part in SpinTunes 17 (the palindrome one) and made it happily to round 3. I appreciate the work that goes in to submitting a song for these challenges and putting yourself out there for comment. I like hearing where someone has had fun playing with the words to form their lyrics, perhaps in sound or meaning or both, and I especially enjoy well-used harmonies. I’m delighted when I’m surprised by an angle or style choice, but equally glad of a story simply, but beautifully, told. Bring it on, SpinTunes 21!


Evermind is a singer, instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, audio engineer, audio plugin developer, and long time Song Fight competitor.

Spotify (Restless Chest) | Spotify (Moody Vermin)

Hello. I'm a freelance writer and musician based in Melbourne, Australia. I've been writing songs for a couple of decades now, stumbling between genres but always coming back to my old nylon-string guitar. I emerge from my cave each summer for February Album Writing Month, and jump into a SongFight every now and then.
I'm relatively new here: last SpinTunes was my first time aboard. I had a lot of fun and I hope you all do too.

Jon Porobil
Jon Porobil (formerly Jon Eric) is a singer-songwriter based in Pittsburgh, PA. He's competed in numerous song competitions, including several iterations of Spintunes and Nur Ein. He was the winner of Nur Ein XV, and although he has never won Spintunes, he does still hold the record for the longest non-shadow entry. His fifth album The Camouflage Kid will be released in early 2024.
Website | Bandcamp | Linktree

Micah Sommersmith -
contest administrator

I've been involved in SpinTunes since ST13 and have been running the contest since ST17; I'm excited to begin a new tournament!
In addition to songwriting and home recording, I play accordion in the folk-rock trio Mother Tree and give musical presentations for both children and adults, including a program showcasing accordion-based folk genres from around the world, from polka to tango to zydeco. I also direct a church choir and construct crossword puzzles.

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