Saturday, October 30, 2010

SpinTunes #2 Round 2 Totals

So here are the links to the individual reviews:

Dr. Lindyke - Glen Phillips - Kevin Savino-Riker - Jeff MacDougall - Zack Scott

Guest Judge's Review: Len Peralta
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

Judges feel free to check my totals...I'm tired...mistakes are possible. However, if my figures are correct the 5 people in bold have been eliminated from the contest. I really hope they decide to continue in the contest as shadows, and I thank EVERYONE for their hard work this round.

Judges Totals:
Chris Cogott - 93
Edric Haleen - 78
Charlie McCarron - 74
Rebecca Brickley - 72
Ross Durand - 69
Ryan Ruff Smith - 66
Gweebol - 66
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 61
Inverse T. Clown - 58
Governing Dynamics - 53
Zarni De Wet - 51
Steve Durand - 47
Brian Gray - 39
Duality - 33
Danny Blackwell - 27
Common Lisp - 25
*Ben Walker - 6

*Was DQ'ed by the judges which meant ALL the judges had to have him in last no matter how much they liked the song.

-wait WHAT, Austin Criswell & Charlie Wolf missed the deadline & were already eliminated.

Dr. Lindyke:
Brian Gray - 17
Edric Haleen - 16
Rebecca Brickley - 15
Chris Cogott - 14
Gweebol - 13
Charlie McCarron - 12
Inverse T. Clown - 11
Ross Durand - 10
Zarni De Wet - 9
Ryan Ruff Smith - 8
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 7
Governing Dynamics - 6
Steve Durand - 5
Duality - 4
Common Lisp - 3
Danny Blackwell - 2
Ben Walker - 1

Kevin Savino-Riker:
Chris Cogott - 17
Ross Durand - 16
Governing Dynamics - 15
Edric Haleen - 14
Rebecca Brickley - 13
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 12
Ryan Ruff Smith - 11
Gweebol - 10
Steve Durand - 9
Brian Gray - 8
Charlie McCarron - 7
Zarni De Wet - 6
Common Lisp - 5
Danny Blackwell - 4
Inverse T. Clown - 3
Duality - 2
Ben Walker - 1

Glen Phillips:
Chris Cogott - 17
Ross Durand - 16
Ryan Ruff Smith - 15
Rebecca Brickley - 14
Steve Durand - 13
Charlie McCarron - 12
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 11
Gweebol - 10
Zarni De Wet - 9
Governing Dynamics - 8
Brian Gray - 7
Duality - 6
Common Lisp - 5
Inverse T. Clown - 4
Edric Haleen - 3
Danny Blackwell - 2
Ben Walker - 1

Jeff MacDougall:
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 17
Edric Haleen - 16
Charlie McCarron - 15
Chris Cogott - 14
Ryan Ruff Smith - 13
Inverse T. Clown - 12
Rebecca Brickley - 11
Gweebol - 10
Danny Blackwell - 9
Duality - 8
Steve Durand – 7
Ross Durand - 6
Common Lisp - 5
Zarni De Wet - 4
Governing Dynamics - 3
Brian Gray - 2
Ben Walker - 1

Zack Scott:
Inverse T. Clown - 17
Governing Dynamics - 16
Charlie McCarron - 15
Chris Cogott - 14
Edric Haleen - 13
Ross Durand - 12
Zarni De Wet - 11
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 10
Ryan Ruff Smith - 9
Gweebol - 8
Duality - 7
Steve Durand - 6
Rebecca Brickley - 5
Common Lisp - 4
Brian Gray - 3
Danny Blackwell - 2
Ben Walker - 1

Len Peralta:
Chris Cogott - 17
Edric Haleen - 16
Gweebol - 15
Rebecca Brickley - 14
Charlie McCarron - 13
Zarni De Wet - 12
Inverse T. Clown - 11
Ryan Ruff Smith - 10
Ross Durand - 9
Danny Blackwell - 8
Steve Durand - 7
Duality - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 4
Common Lisp - 3
Brian Gray - 2
Ben Walker - 1

Popular Vote Totals:
Chris Cogott - 14
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 13
Ryan Ruff Smith - 12
Ross Durand - 12
Gweebol - 10
Duality - 9
Governing Dynamics - 8
Charlie McCarron - 8
Inverse T. Clown - 7
Ben Walker - 7
Rebecca Brickley - 7
Edric Haleen - 6
Zarni De Wet - 6
Common Lisp - 5
Danny Blackwell - 4
Brian Gray - 4
Steve Durand - 3
(135 total votes)

1 comment:

  1. Oof! Interesting results!

    As always -- a great many thanks to all of the judges (including Len!) who devoted so much time and attention to our songs. I do hope that we get to keep hearing shadow songs from those below the "magic line" -- and best of luck to everyone moving on to compete in the next challenge!


