Sunday, October 31, 2010

SpinTunes 2 Round 3 Album Cover Contest

This round I'm trying something different. Along with the song contest, we are going to hold an album cover contest. So if you have an idea for an album cover that fits the current SpinTunes 2 Round 3 challenge, feel free to join in. The challenge this round is:

Secondary Historical Figures - For this challenge we want you to write a song about an unknown character from history, and what connection they had to a major historical event (fictionalization is fine). Paul Revere's stableboy, General Custer's wife, Hitler's art teacher, King Richard's blacksmith, etc...

Details for entries & submitting your entries are posted below:

1. The cover needs to be submitted as a file BandCamp will be ok with.
"350 x 350 pixels minimum (bigger is better)
.jpg, .gif or .png, 4MB max"
2. No nudity or bad language. I won't make a list of words to avoid, but I'm sure you can keep it clean.

3. Submit only artwork you have created on your own & have full creative control copyrighted or trademarked images.

4. You must include the title of the challenge prominently on the cover.

5. I really don't want dozens of people I don't know sending me to various websites I'm not familiar with, and I also don't want to download a bunch of strange attachments. So I decided to limit the sites you are allowed to use to submit your images. I picked 3 I feel comfortable with, and those are: Flickr, DailyBooth & TwitPic. So you'll need to upload your pictures to one of those sites & link me to them in an e-mail (NO shortened URL's). Make sure that they have a Creative Commons license so it can be linked to & downloaded.

You have until November 7th 11:59PM (Sun) to send me your entries.

I can't offer a prize other than bragging rights, and having the winner's art used as an album cover. That means the winner will be credited on the album & I'll link to a personal website if they wish. I really think it would be great to run these contests together & bring even more creative people together. This part of the contest will be held via popular vote. I'll post all the entries & a poll after the deadline.

Good luck.

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