Saturday, July 23, 2011

SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Glenn Case

Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
You have been consistently great thus far. Excellent hook in the chorus, the lyrics are tremendous, the delivery and performances are great. This sounds like a professional recording in every conceivable respect.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 10 out of 10

Ross Durand - Camp Romance
Brilliant song concept and I started cracking up hysterically when I heard the “Kumbaya” chorus. I would have liked to have heard a little more personality in your rap delivery, but this is an undeniably great track.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 9 out of 10

Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
Super fun concept! The verses are expertly crafted, but the delivery could use a little more energy (or personality). I like the chorus hook a lot.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10

Jutze – My Friend Kay
I did not think I was going to enjoy this, but it is actually quite charming and enjoyable. The banjo sample rocked my world when I heard it. The rhythmic switches in the chorus are great. I could have done without the fake horns at the end.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10

Steve Durand - A Place For Love
This has a tremendous beat and the lyrics are very clever, but the vocal performance is lacking. Bonus points for “I can’t make love with toner on my boner” which made me laugh out loud.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10

Jon Eric - The Dance
Your participation in the Frontalittle Squad has served you well. The structure of your rap verses is impeccable. Music is a bit quiet in the mix, and I am not feeling the chorus hook at all.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10

Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
I like the piano part a lot. Excellent topic choice and lyrics to match. Rhythmic structure of the rap verses is good, but the delivery is lacking and it sounds like the music is being drowned out a bit.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10

Edric Haleen – Sarah
I have to admit that I was worried for a minute. “Where is the rap?” became “I bet he’s leading up to it.” This was a clever way to blend the rap challenge with the theatrical style that seems to be your bread and butter.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 7 out of 10

The Offhand Band - Not Cool
The “7-Up, Uncoola” line cracked me up. The 5:46 length shows that you really took the challenge and ran with it. A very good concept, but I think you could have used a little more personality in your vocal delivery. The pop culture references are fun.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10

Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
I actually enjoy this. Some of my favorite hip hop tracks take pieces of difference sources and combine them to form something new. I like the beat, but I think the lyrics work better as a poem than they do as a rap. This is oddly reminiscent of “Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head” by Gorillaz, ‘though I’m fairly certain that they asked Dennis Hopper to read the poetry, rather than sampling him.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 6 out of 10

Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Good placement of syllables for the verses. The chorus hook struck me as forgettable at first, but it started to grow on me on the second listen. I like the stereo split during the chorus. “The security guard there is quite a jerk” is an example of one of the lines that is delivered in an awkward manner.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 6 out of 10

Pat And Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
Male lead vocals are far too loud in the mix, drowning out the music and destroying the dynamics. There is plenty of personality in the vocal deliveries. LOVE the way that the female rapper threw together the syllables for lines like “that-I’m-gonna-date-you after you’ve been hatin’”
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – bad (0) SCORE: 6 out of 10

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