Monday, July 18, 2011

SpinTunes 3: Round 3 Songs

The album is now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. With the new addition of the popular vote, many of you will be asking friends and family to support you. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs & vote for their favorites. You can vote for up to 5 different people, so they might as well listen to everyone.

For the time being, in an attempt to save on the free downloads, you can only download the album all at once. I will make individual songs available for free download in the near future.

There are supposed to be 11 people eliminated this round. 3 people have already eliminated themselves by missing the deadline, so only 8 people will be cut by the judges this round. That will give us 4 people left for round 4. Good luck everyone.

You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Dr. Lindyke)

- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->

- Popular vote stays open until 8PM on the 23rd.

- Judges & guest judges have until 8PM on the 23rd to hand in their reviews.

- I will post the Reviews & Eliminations at 11PM on the 23rd.

- July 24th 1AM (Sun) - The Final Challenge is announced.

(If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here.)

Not Cool by The Offhand Band

6 Years 17 Day by wait What!

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)

- Mark wrote a Song Bio for his entry (The Offhand Band).

- Edric Haleen wrote a Song Bio for his entry.

- Dr. Lindyke wrote a Song Bio for their entry.

- Jon Eric wrote some Reviews for this round.

- Sammy Kablem posted another Negative Reinforcement Review for this round. This time it's on video.

1 comment:

  1. Great challenge, great entries! In hindsight, hard to imagine why it got so much flack through the first two SpinTunes contests.
