Monday, February 13, 2012

Round 2 LP & Deadline News

22 people managed to turn something in on time, which means that 2 people missed the deadline & have been eliminated. At the time of this posting there are 6 shadows that have been turned in as well.

The listening party will be hosted by Tom, and it starts at 8PM TONIGHT! Like always, we're going by my time, not yours. (counter has been updated for you) Tom will play the songs in the order they were submitted. I hope you decide to stop by, and bring friends. The show officially starts at 8PM, but Tom said he'll have a preshow that starts around 7:30PM (maybe earilier). All songs will be available for FREE listen & download shortly after the LP.

Listening Party Location:

So many people pushed the deadline, and didn't turn in a draft early. If you wait until the last 15 minutes to turn something in, there's a good chance you'll end up missing the deadline. Files take longer to upload & send than you think, links may not work, power outages happen, computer crashes, bounced e-mails, etc..etc... I know sometimes waiting until the last second is unavoidable, but it should be avoided if possible. The deadline is as much a part of the challenge as the lyrical/musical prompt.

Deadline Eliminations:
Wait What (The Band) - Chris Cogott

- Judges will now have to eliminate 8 people.


  1. Ouch, two favorites of mine, crunched by the clock! Looking forward to the listening party! I hope I can make some of it. My daughter has a band concert.

  2. Congrats to Robert Borden catching the eye of Julia Nunes with his tribute song. That's a good thing for all of us gathering new eyeballs to the contest!

    And for those of you concerned about the popular vote totals... you can't do better than 24 this round. It has the weight of the top spot of only one judge. Popular vote can save you if you're on the edge of being booted, but it's not going to give you an overwhelming majority of the points for the round. Just sayin'.
