Monday, February 13, 2012

SpinTunes #4: Round 2 Songs

Once again I had to miss the LP because of laggy internet, but it seemed to go over well. Hung around the 30-35 viewer mark most of the time. Nice work Tom.

The songs are now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. Many of you will be asking friends and family to support you in the popular vote. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs & vote for their favorites. You can vote for up to 5 different people, so they might as well listen to everyone.

Until the round 3 songs are posted I will only allow people to download the round 2 album as a whole. But even after that, PLEASE download the entire album vs downloading just a handful of songs while the contest is on going. BandCamp limits how many free downloads I can give away, and 1 album download counts the same as 1 song download.

Since 2 people were cut by the deadline, the judges only have to eliminate 8 people this round instead of 10. Good luck everyone.

You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Matt Schubbe)

- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->

- Popular vote stays open until 11PM on Feb. 17th.

- Judges & guest judges have until 11PM on Feb. 17th to hand in their reviews.

- I will try to post the Reviews & Eliminations before 11PM on Feb. 18th.

- Feb. 19th 1AM (Sun) - Third Challenge is announced.

If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here:

3rd Grade Valentine by David LeDuc

Julia by Robert Borden

Insignificant You by Rebecca Angel

A Brother's Valentine by Common Lisp

Space Opera Valentine (For Leia) by Ross Durand

You (A Valentines Stalker Song) by The Orion Sound

She Just Wouldn't Understand (Shadow) by Wait What (The Band)

Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)

- Ross Durand posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- Noah McLaughlin posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- Edric Haleen posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- Felix Frost posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- Brian Gray posted a Song Bio for his entry.

- The Boffo Yux Dudes posted a Song Bio for their entry.

- Menage A Tune posted a Song Bio for each of her shadows.


  1. I posted a song bio. Also, as part of it, I annotated my lyrics. I mean no condescention to the Star Wars fans who get the references without, but, just in case, you know... :-)

  2. A quickie video for my round 2 song:

  3. Man Crush bio:

  4. A Letter to Bernie & Settle for Me song info:

  5. As usual, the song bio is part of the song notes and are readily available on the Spintunes Bandcamp page for my track.
