If you waited until the last second to sign-up it's possible that your e-mail didn't show up in my inbox by the given deadline. I will check my e-mail again when I get home from work around 6:30PM. If there were any that showed up late, but had the correct time stamp, I'll add them to the list. Keep in mind that even if you were late, we love to get shadows.
While you're waiting for the round 1 challenge to be posted, I suggest checking to make sure your links work. If you find one not working just let me know via e-mail & I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Good luck to all the old & new faces in this edition of SpinTunes,
Round 1 Album -
Round 2 Album -
Round 3 Album -
Round 4 Album
Round 1 Challenge: The Beginning Of The End - Write a song about the last day of work. (2 minute minimum) (they had 11 days) (
Round 2 Challenge: Pump You Up - Write a song that is motivational to workout to. Something meant to pump up the listener. (2 minute minimum) (they had 8 days) (
Round 3 Challenge: What's Opera, Doc? - Write a Mini-Opera: A dramatic story told through dialogue sung by two or more characters. (2 minute minimum) (they had 8 days) (
Round 4 Challenge: Photo Finish - Write a song inspired by
THIS picture. (2 minute minimum) (they had 8 days) (
(Profile order is based on who sent in their entry form first.)
Edric Haleen: Edric likes writing songs, even though they're often different than others may have been expecting at first listen. Care to know more? Check out the link below to visit his website. (Also, please consider checking out
http://happinessboard.com/ to see -- and add to -- the Happiness Board! Guaranteed to put a smile on your face, or your money back!)
The Death Of A MemeR2:
One More StepR3:
(Vows) featuring Kevin Savino-RikerR4:
My Friend (runner up)
Ménage a Tune: Possessed of nothing more than cheerful determination, a love of learning and the ability to shamelessly beg for help, JoAnn has been a part of Spintunes for 2 years, never missing a challenge, often shadowing. This time her partners will be Skyen, from Denmark, and her ST#4 amazing piano player pal Ted Kiper, who she knows from church. Skyen describes himself as “Able guitarist, adequate pianist, decent ukulelist, passable bassist, and a good singer. He studies history at Aarhus University."
Website -
Crowning GloryR2:
Run! -
Rat Race (Shadow)
R3: Voted Out
Poison, Or, All Of Hamlet In 4:04R4:
The Mermaid's Waltz (Shadow) -
First On My List (Shadow)
Heather Miller: I picked up a loaner guitar and Easy Beatles Songbook in 2001, taught myself a few chords and kicked around with songwriting off and on for a bit. A radio show, some songwriting contests, folk festivals, and a songwriting certificate later, I decided to stop kidding myself and take my dreams seriously. So in 2011, I sold my car, moved to Austin to study at Rubicon Artist Development, played 157 open mics and showcases, and recorded an EP called Anchor (the title track started out as a SpinTunes entry!) that is due out this summer. I'm now back in Iowa, ready for the next chapter in my musical journey!
Website -
@humsongs -
YouTube ChannelR1:
Not Gonna Miss Your FaceR2: Deadline Victim
Wait What: After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Wait What. With the cop from Reservoir Dog's ear for music, they
have charms to sooth savage boobs, to soften rocks, and bend a knotted oak. The music of Wait What
is a moral law: it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything, not that there's anything wrong with that.Links:
YouTube ChannelR1:
Middle ManagementR2: Deadline Victim
Rats Of The Sky: Rats of the Sky is a hip-hop group consisting of Happi (MC), and Matt Cassel (producer and sometimes MC). Together, they did sort of well in the Nerdcore Now Vocalist/Producer Challenge, and now they're bringing SpinTunes the kind of synergy that can only come from two dudes who only know each other through the internet.
Two Weeks NoticeR2: Voted Out
Dance To The Groove LibidoR3:
Caravan Ray: Hello Ladies. I am Caravan Ray.
YouTube ChannelR1:
The Beginning Of The EndR2:
Pump It UpR3: Deadline Victim
"BucketHat" Bobby: A veteran of Song-Fu and Spintunes, Bobby has dropped off of the face of the internet for nearly two years while attempting to make it in "Real Life". Now, he returns to Spintunes with the hopes that his new experiences will help him re-claim his title of most mediocre internet personality.
@buckethatbobby -
YouTube ChannelR1:
On The PogeyR2: Deadline Victim
Jeremy Lambright: I'm a production student with a knack for instrumentation. I've played in most every type of band and I'm now looking to expand my solo catalog. Cheap as I am, all songs will be produced on Iphone using nanostudio from blip media.
Empty SpacesR2: Voted Out
Shut Up And Dance (DQ)
RC: I've been playing music in bars for 36 years. If you don't mind, I'm going to pretend this is a bar.
Website -
@RCOhio -
YouTube ChannelR1:
Goodbye EverybodyR2:
Get UpR3: Voted Out
He's Dead, JimR4:
Orange Beach (Shadow)
Mariah Mercedes: Hi, I'm a 16-year-old hooligan and part-time rockstar. I've been writing under Gold Lion for about a year now, however, Gold Lion has since developed into a full band (complete with banjo). So, for this competition I'll be flying solo under my own name. I'm excited to learn and grow over the course of SpinTunes #5, as well as listen and create some great music.
@_MariahMercedes -
YouTube ChannelR1:
Dear JeremyR4:
Footprints (placed 4th)
Felix Frost: Felix Frost is the solo music project name of YouTuber MagicTurtle643. I make bright and sunny music, usually with lots of keyboards and synth, strange and story-telling subject matter, and through-composed song structures.
Website -
@MagicTurtle643 -
YouTube ChannelR1:
Leaving Lyman's Liquor StoreR2:
The Frost MineR3: Voted Out
Lyman Boone And The Moonshine ScoundrelR4:
Glen Raphael: Glen Raphael is a Manhattan-based singer-songwriter whose songs combine humor, love, and a nerdy modern sensibility. He regularly appears at The Bitter End and other venues to play songs on such diverse topics as quantum physics, bedbugs, and the Statue of Liberty's mid-life crisis. Glen has won Best Original Song awards at NCSA events and is the current organizer of the New York City Folk Music Meetup.
Website -
@glenraphael -
YouTube ChannelR1:
NakedR2: Voted Out
Pump Down The VolumeR3:
Trader Jack: I write and cover songs sometimes, usually in the alt-rock, folk, or dance genres.
Website -
@Trader_Jack -
YouTube ChannelR1: Voted Out
Last DayR2:
Let Nothing Be Left Behind (Shadow)
The Boffo Yux Dudes / Chris Cogott: Funny Guys. Serious Musican. Known now as BYD&CC. Just like CSN&Y lite. The ones your parents warned you about. Allan Morgan and Tom Giarrosso head this version of BYD with rabid optimism that they'll be remembered for more than just all those replays on Dr. Demento. Mr. Cogott should have his head examined for joining us. Whatever comes out of this unholy union won't be boring. Fun Fact: Everyone likes kittehs.
Website -
@BoffoYuxDudes -
YouTube ChannelR1:
The Ballad Of JJRR2:
Big, Bigger, BestR3: Deadline Victim
Alex Boyd: I write songs about books, games, comics and stuff. I travel around the country playing those songs at sci-fi conventions.
Website -
@tlgtunes -
YouTube ChannelR1: Voted Out
The Bastard Had It ComingR2:
The Orion Sound: My name is Oliver Parsons, aka Emperor Robot Hitler Gandhi Jesus Walrii McPoshtwat . I'm well known for getting all da bitches. Like, ALLLL of them. As friends. I make songs about codes and the murdering of cats because no one likes cats (monkeys are much better) and my hair is pretty awesome. It’s all poofy in the middle. I kind of look like a homosexual hedgehog, with the face of a mouse. It’s wonderful. It’s like a hedgehog and a mouse made sweet love. Sweet, sweet love... (Written lovingly by Bethany L Martin)
Website -
@olirulz_747 -
YouTube ChannelR1: Voted Out
Emperor Gum: Moth Rock.
Website -
@EmperorGumNewsR1: Voted Out
Francis Wms.: My name is Francis Wms. and I have recorded for most of my life under a number of different pseudonyms. I split my time between Chamberlain, South Dakota and Jacksonville, Florida, where you can catch me as a member of The Shutupok (as Frankie Williams). Currently my interests are the movie The Last Night, new music by Aiden Grimshaw, customizing blank skateboard decks and making bundt cakes. I will now come up with eighteen words which rhyme with conclusion.
R1: Voted Out
Redundant Redunit (DQ)
Governing Dynamics: Time traveling all the way from the mid to late '90s is a curious compound of post-grunge, guitar driven, sci-fi altrock.
Website -
Swing ShiftR2:
Dark Places featuring Rebecca BrickleyR4:
Houses (Winner)
Ross Durand: Singer-songwriter Ross Durand is the Andy Murray of online songwriting contests. Will this be his Wimbledon?
I'm Lyin'R2:
Apart featuring Bryanna AcostaR4:
When The Tide Comes In (placed 3rd)
EvelBist: Madness, heretical, diabolical, dirt poor, and quite handy with a pickle fork. A background in mostly unscientific pursuits and a failure at SongFight.org where I am constantly chastised for using the bandname "sausage".
R1: Voted Out
The Beginning Of The EndR2:
Milton: I'm Adam Milton Hosack. I've been playing piano on and off for 6 years and playing guitar for 3. Singing and songwriting for 2. Deciding on a band name is hard. I participated in my first song fight last week and I've written and recorded 5 Album-a-days. These have been practically my only experience with recording. I'd like to change that.
WebsiteR1: Voted Out
Today's The DayR2:
Hudson And Day: Their songs can be used as lullabies to put bison to sleep. They collaborate via secret locations at opposite ends of the country - using mental telepathy and fantastic hair. They can write music without making a sound - although every lyric in each one of their songs is actually in fact, a word. They are ... the most interesting women on the Internet. "We don't make an appearance in every song contest, but we are here, and we shall rock." Stay thirsty, Spintunes.
Website -
@HudsonandDay -
YouTube ChannelR1:
It Worked OutR2: Deadline Victim
The Chocolate Chips: The Chocolate Chips write songs about animals of different colors, politics, the sun, and dreams. They also specialize in weirding new versions of nursery rhymes and in recording jingles for imaginary commercials.
Website -
@ChocChipsMusic -
YouTube ChannelR1:
My Own BossR2:
Nothing Can Stop YouR3: Voted Out
The True WayR4:
Jailhouse Payback: Guitars, drums, a bicycle, a shotgun, and the truth.
EscalatorR2: Voted Out
Kick Your RoutineR3:
Army Defense: Army Defense is: Dave Lehnen, J.S., Brandon Chitwood, Jose Ferreira, and Shannon Roberts, Barry Hill. We are renegade singers/songwriters/musicians. Since 2004 we have recorded 23 albums of Sparkling Pop Music.
WebsiteR1: Voted Out
You're Not PaidR2:
Godz Poodlz: Icon/Rock/Geek/Dad Band! Two neighborz and friendz united to form Gödz Pöödlz! Gödz Pöödlz are Rüss Rögers and Rhöd Dürre!
Website -
@GodzPoodlz -
YouTube ChannelR1:
It's A Great Day At BigMart® TodayR2:
In The ZoneR3: Deadline Victim
Gorbzilla: Gorbzilla is a musician/band teacher in Mid-Michigan. He has been in a few bands over the years, most notably as the guitarist/vocalist for the band “Jimmy Likes Pie” and the bass player/vocalist for the band “Satin Jones”. The proud father of two future rock maniacs, Gorbzilla has been writing music for the past twenty years, and is looking forward to more chances to write.
The Last Last DayR2:
Superwoman featuring The GorbzookiesR3: Deadline Victim
David Ritter: Utto nye usabia atoonyoba?
Website -
@MacMufasaR1: Voted Out
Greg Hosack: Hi! My name is Greg. My musical goal is self-expression. My hope is that I can bring my own unique perspective to the party. Most of my expression manifests itself in a folky, singer-songwriter style, but I enjoy trying to challenge that. I like guitars. =D
Website -
@Greggersathome -
YouTube ChannelR1:
I'm Gonna GoR2:
Dr Lindyke: This amalgam of Dave Leigh and William Hoover judged SpinTunes #2 and is ready to pay their penance in SpinTunes #3. Here's a proper bio:
Website -
@Dr_Lindyke -
YouTube ChannelR1 Mayan Holiday
R2 A Tune For You (The SpinTunes Montage) -
Monastic Workout
R3 Mr. Nobody
R4 Carbon Footprint
Dex01: Dex01 is a British, rock based, songwriter who has been writing music for almost two years, which qualifies him as a musician (it doesn’t). Inspired by Jonathan Coulton’s approach to writing and recording material, Dex decided to try and see if he could turn his hand at writing material instead of playing along and jumping up and down. The past two years have seen Dex record an EP turned demo album and acquire a professional mic which makes him some sort of big shot (it doesn’t).
Website -
@Dex01 -
YouTube ChannelR1 Brand New LifeR2:
Zoe Gray: I am an 11-year-old girl named Zoe Gray. I live in Pennsylvania, and am daughter to the songwriter Brian Gray, who is sometimes a contestant. I like different types of songs, from musical theater-style to death metal. I play the piano, guitar, and sing.
Say GoodbyeR2:
The Boffo Yux Dudes: We're humorists. That means we go for the occasional highbrow joke among the necrophilia and genitalia comments. The Dudes managed to reawaken from their coma in 2009, creating music new music for the confused masses. Allan Morgan and Tom Giarrosso head this version of BYD with previous members in the wings, ready to pounce if they make some change out of it.
Website -
@BoffoYuxDudes -
YouTube ChannelR1:
Wash Away featuring Osmium -
Sand In My Toes featuring Denise Hudson & Mick Bordet -
Footprints -
Foot In The Sand featuring Dr. Lindyke
Gray Havens: Brian & Zoe Gray.
Onward To The West
I don't know how to count, but that sure looks like a lot of entrants.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a good time!
Did you mean Gorbzilla to be up there instead of Spenser having 2 entries?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I screwed up. I did most of the profiles after work, then went to bed until about 11:15PM, got up & did the people sneaking in at the deadline. I was half asleep in a hurry to go back to bed since I had to get up at 2:30AM. It's been fixed. Sorry Gorb.
ReplyDeleteFantastic line up! Logistics (and limited energies) kept me from signing for this round, but I'll be following with great interest.
ReplyDeleteVery excited to hear what you guys come up with this time! I'll be with you in spirit. And maybe a shadow entry if I can manage it! -- Paul R. Potts aka Common Lisp