Saturday, March 16, 2013

SpinTunes #6 Round 4 Reviews: Governing Dynamics

This round, my opinion (gloriously!) does not matter. In recognition/celebration of this fact, I have placed my reviews in playlist order. Great job, everyone. See you in Seven.

1. RC - Get Out Of My Way

RC's approach to Get Out Of My Way is a bit less direct than "An Equal Start" but has a similar rock vibe.

Favorite lyrical element:
"I guess maybe history ended in 1995"

RC's guitar playing and production have been my favorite of ST6 and "Get Out Of My Way" is similarly excellent.
Despite obvious difference of instrumentation this reminds me of a few Dylan tunes ("Hurricane" the most), which needless to say fits the challenge well.

Favorite musical element:
Rather excellent guitar solo at 2:38, and pulls off the sometimes difficult trick of serving the song rather than just stretching it out.

A worthy final ST6 entry from RC.

2. Edric - On The Matter of Bullying (Part 2)

Edric went the "direct sequel" route, as the title makes obvious.  Musically, this sounds like soundtrack music. 

Favorite lyrical element:
The beginning... which is maybe a bad sign, since it is lyrics from On The Matter of Bullying (Part 1). Lyrically, there's nothing wrong here, exactly, but it would work just as well as spoken word (like the ending) as it does being sang.  There are few if any rhymes.  While thematically and emotionally appropriate, it's hard to give it high marks for meter, structure, rhyme or any of the other things I usually take into account when trying to judge a song on a relatively objectively basis.

Like it's sister song, On The Matter of Bullying (Part 2) is a piano/voice thing with a nice clean recording, and it doesn't need anything more.

Favorite musical element:
Piano is great throughout.

Maybe a touch overdramatic for my tastes, but On The Matter of Bullying Part 2 is a good companion for Edric's Round 3 song.

3. MC Ohm-I - If You Were Gay

MC Ohm-I has been a great new addition in ST6 and I hope he sticks around for the next one.  "If You Were Gay", aside from sampling Avenue Q of all things, is a pro gay marriage song that (similar to Ohm-I's round 3 entry) appeals to facts rather than emotions.
Lyrically, I don't think this one is quite as strong as If You Don't Like Gay Marriage, but it does demonstrate how easy it is to put a groove over Broadway.

Favorite lyrical element:
I think the third stanza ("Mariage has become nothing more than a legal binding") is the best of the song.

Good use of the sample, nice (added?) bass line, vocals are well recorded and easy to understand as usual.

Favorite musical element:
MC Ohm-I has a knack for bass lines, this is another good example.

Couple of lyrics I'm not sure about in this one ("rights"/"plights", the "movie sequel" line) but this is another strong entry from MC Ohm-I, even if it doesn't quite live up to If You Don't Like Gay Marriage.

4.  Ross Durand - Someone's

I always enjoy Ross in rock mode.  This is an anti-draft (slash anti-naive kid enlisting) southern rocker that takes a more aggressive approach than 

Favorite lyrical element:
The chorus is great singalong hook.  Also of note, "Will it be a senator's son, A president's daughter? Or the faceless masses, useless fodder"

The production on this is just huge sounding, which is another thing that reminds me of '70s southern rock.  Guitars are raw and mean sounding, and the layered vocals are appropriately boisterous.

Favorite musical element:
Like RC's there's a notably good guitar solo but I think my favorite is the "main riff".  Spintunes needs more "main riffs" guys, lets make this happen.

This is my personal pick for the win, but unfortunately,  this round my opinion doesn't matter. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Travis!

    Well -- one iteration ago, we were congratulating you on your SpinTunes victory. Now someone else will join you. Thank you so much for the role you played in SpinTunes Six -- you took a lot of time and were very thoughtful in your reviews. (I wonder which the more stressful was for you -- the song submission deadline as a competitor, or the review submission deadline as a judge!)

    Anyway -- thanks again for serving as judge. I'm sure you're looking forward to rejoining the musician's pool next time around, so I'll echo your own sentiment from above -- See you in Seven!


