Saturday, March 16, 2013

SpinTunes #6 Round 4 Reviews: Graham Porter

If you do not see the embedded video, visit this YouTube page.


  1. Hey, Graham!

    Video post! Nice! (Just couldn't wait for ST7 to be heard again, huh?)

    Anyway -- thanks for serving a stint as a SpinTunes judge. Without the judges, SpinTunes would just be another measure of Internet footprint. What we have -- thanks to the judges -- is so much better than that. And this time 'round, we had a really reliable batch of judges, which I'm sure was much nicer for Travis (and his clones) to wrangle.

    So thanks. And here's looking forward to Seven!



  2. I can get you a good price on that Derp Cola if you like... I get a volume discount, and another 5% off for being a frequent customer. ;)
