Sunday, October 24, 2021

ST18.2 Results UPDATED 10/25

The results of an incredibly difficult Round 3 are in. A few entries polarized the judges, but a few stood out with consistently high rankings. At the top of the heap this round is


Rounding out the top three are Jim of Seattle in second place and "BucketHat" Bobby Matheson in third.

2Jim of Seattle14117427
3"BucketHat" Bobby Matheson56251230
5Chas Rock451241439
5Daniel Sitler103614639
7Stacking Theory16943941
9Brian Gray18789345
10New Fangled Trolleys221321148
12Third Cat916981557
13The Dutch Widows13101710858
14Governing Dynamics111510111158
15Brother Baker81215151060
16Sara Parsons17181112765
17Jocko Homomorphism151118131370
19Jealous Brother201713181987
20The Brewhouse Sessions192021192099
21Timothy Patrick Hinkle2119202021101
22Menage a Tune2222222222110

There were a cluster of entries with very close scores around the elimination threshold; in fact, The Dutch Widows and Governing Dynamics tied each other right on the threshold. Since The Dutch Widows scored higher than Governing Dynamcs with 3 out of 5 judges and also submitted their entry earlier, I've chosen them to move on to Round 3. 

UPDATE: A discrepancy was noticed between one of the judges' scores as posted on the spreadsheet vs. on the judge's reviews post. The spreadsheet had Governing Dynamics and The Dutch Widows tied straddling the elimination threshold, whereas using the rankings from the review post would send both to the next round and eliminate Third Cat instead. Instead, all three will be moving on to the next round.

Therefore, the following entrants have scored below the elimination cutoff and have been eliminated:

Brother Baker, Sara Parsons, Jocko Homomorphism, Temnere, Jealous Brother, The Brewhouse Sessions, Timothy Patrick Hinkle, Menage a Tune 

With 14 eligible entrants instead of the planned 13, a single entrant missing the deadline will not result in a shadow reinstatement. Multiple entrants missing the deadline will result in one fewer shadow reinstatement, to bring the total back to 13. (For example, if 3 official entrants miss the deadline, 2 shadows are eligible for reinstatement.)

Now for individual judges' full reviews and rankings:

1 comment:

  1. Hey - thanks to all of the judges and Micah for all the work you've put into this thing. But I need to mention that I'm pretty sure I (Third Cat) should've been cut instead of Governing Dynamics, I happened to notice I was really 18th not 16th on BotW's rankings (looks like my ranking got switched with Sara's), that difference would have put me at 59 points below GD's 58.
