Monday, March 14, 2022

SpinTunes 19 - Meet the Contestants

Forty artists and bands have put their names in by the sign-up deadline, and now they're hard at work on their first round entries. But who are these talented folks who will be vying for the title of SpinTunes 19 Champion? Let's meet them!

Also in Blue
Also In Blue
Also in Blue is the nom de guerre of an overeducated, under-stimulated songwriter without a serious direction, who writes at the expense of doing the dishes or getting reasonable amounts of sleep. Winner of SpinTunes 17; judge of SpinTunes 18; optimistic participant in SpinTunes 19 - and grateful to a great community of songwriters for the opportunity to part of this.
Bandcamp | YouTube


Boffo Yux Dudes
We're still alive! I'm sure a Miracle Ear and hip replacements are coming soon, but until then, we're cranking out the hits over the last 5 decades!
Blog | YouTube | Twitter | Bandcamp | Facebook | Myspace

The Brewhouse Sessions
A few guys brewing up some songs.

"BucketHat" Bobby Matheson
"BucketHat" Bobby Matheson is a former television professional who has been doing this music-competition thing for over a decade.
Influenced by artists like They Might Be Giants, Jonathan Coulton and The Mountain Goats, Matheson is a solo musician who takes an unconventional but folksy approach to home-made song-making.
Lately, he has been writing performing and producing music live on Twitch as a delivery method for his craft.
After nearly 15 years of practice, does he finally have what it takes to win a SpinTunes contest? Only time will tell!"

Hey, I'm Dan. I live in Kent in the UK. I've played in many (usually terrible) bands since I was a teenager. I've been FAWMing since 2011 under the name @sailingmagpie, participated in the last couple of Nur Eins and I release stuff under name The Serviettes. This will be the first outing for my new side project. How exciting!
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Dented Bento
Dented Bento
Always trying something different.

The Dutch Widows
The Dutch Widows
The Dutch Widows just want to make music. It doesn't need to be perfect (it won't be) and it doesn't even need to be good (it won't be). It just needs to be finished. Not finished is also OK, though probably not for SpinTunes. Mostly just here for the covers round this time, so expect some half-arsed guff just to get in the covers end game...


Just some guy from St. Pete, FL trying his best to record some music when he can. 

Three friends who met at Altered Stage in Chicago and were inspired to make music together when work was over.

Fluke Wilson

Governing Dynamics
I recently acquired an electric mandolin.  More on this story as it develops.

Hanky Code
Hanky Code
Hanky Code is Ryan from Jerkatorium, Matchy Matchy and All The Robots.

Hot Pink Halo
Hot Pink Halo
Hot Pink Halo enjoys pushing buttons.
Bandcamp | Website

Jeannette Joseph

I have just started writing. I play keyboard. I write as therapy which sounds like I am crazy but helps with life in general. Life is short as it is. I mainly run open mics and DJ and Karaoke. I am just trying to boost my confidence in writing as I am shy. 

Jordan Carroll
Here we go again

Bandcamp | Twitch

A group of wagging jawbones vie to see who can sing the best. It always ends in a four way draw. Are they singing folk? Metal? Broadway? The world may never know. 

Marlon. is a dessert loving, desert dwelling songwriter from sweet, sunny, southern California who has a fascination with myths, monsters, and musicals. Mostly, he's just happy to be here.
Twitter | Instagram | Soundcloud

Melody Klein
Melody Klein
36 year old lesbian music chick from Israel. She writes downtempo acid music, is into BDSM, and enjoys playing board games and riding roller-coasters.

Ménage A Tune
I like to sing, I like to create songs, and generally prefer writing lyrics over the songwriting part.  No partner yet, Who knows what will happen by the time we get rolling though. Time to figure out how to work that Band In A Box again...I'll manage to get a tune or four out, even if eliminated early.  The fun is creating. 
Bandcamp | Website

New Fangled Trolley
acoustic folk punk from the heart of Brooklyn 

Night Sky
Night Sky
Night Sky is Sally on lyrics, Steve on drums, and Matt on the other stuff. We are a genre-bending collective made up of poetry, sick grooves, and saxophones. We first competed in SpinTunes 17, bailed from 18, and are due for a comeback.

Ominous Ride

I don’t always write songs, but when I do it’s for SpinTunes. 

Normal tunings are boring.

Pigfarmer Jr
Pigfarmer Jr
Someday I hope to be a senior pigfarmer. 

Quazimodo's Balls
Quazimodo's Balls

we are the isles of different size
we are the north
we are the south
we are the sunburn and the peat
we are the men of dancing feet
heartstrings pulled tight to never slacken, we are more than we could ever imagine
we are rackwagon

Regis likes building guitars, hanging out at (and off of) big dams, and singing stupid songs to his dog.

Richard Shakespeare
I’ve been writing songs for more than 30 years - I feel I’m now starting to understand how little I know. I’m am avid FAWMer and this year undertook a roadtrip around the US to farm inspiration. 

Roman Numeral Orange
Self-taught musician and producer. I don't know what I'm doing most of the time but I have fun doing it anyway.

I can see (with glasses), I am a man (just about) but I cannot ski!

Sober has been foisting his twangy drivel upon the ears of the Songfight community for nearly 20 years. He wasted his GI Bill money on an expensive dumb business degree. Now he narrates audiobooks, so way to go with that expensive dumb degree, Sober.
This will be his third time losing the SpinTunes competition.

Star Bear
The musical hobby project of computer science professor Bert Huang. 
Bandcamp | Twitter

Stephen Weigl
Stephen Weigel
Stephen Weigel is a composer and performer in Indianapolis, IN, and got both his Master’s in Music Composition and Bachelor’s of Music Media Production at Ball State University. His past teachers include Jody Nagel, Michael Pounds, Derek Johnson, Amelia Kaplan, Daniel Swilley, Eleanor Trawick, and Keith Kothman. Stephen’s contributions have been featured at UnTwelve, Electronic Music Midwest, Charlotte New Music Festival, Electroacoustic Barn Dance, Classical Connect, Edition Zalzal, MU Global, Thirsty Ear, SEAMUS, Microtonal Adventures Festival, Pärnu Nüüdismuusika Päevade, and Hindemith & Copland International Festival. His music is melodic, intelligible, and purpose-driven, though conceptual premises vary wildly - compositional goals may include finding new-sounding chord progressions and melodies, evoking unfamiliar or diverse emotions, poking fun at social ideas, or making sense of uncharted territory. His specialties are electronics and xenharmonic music, which he often plays live using DIY keyboard interfaces, guitars, and the voice. In graduate school, he wrote about all-scalar-set theory, which is the mathematical link between Forte’s post-tonal set theory and Wilson’s Moment of Symmetry theories. Other endeavors include the microtonal podcast featuring Sevish (Now&Xen), appearances on online albums/microtonal cover songs/transcriptions, and keyboard arrangements of Easley Blackwood’s microtonal etudes.
Website | Bandcamp | Soundcloud

Sumner Wynne
I have feet for hands

SunLite is a teacher with a vast array of side projects

thanks, brain
thanks, brain
thanks, brain is a band with a very, very good and clever bio. unfortunately, we've misplaced it and have had to give you this one instead. sorry about that.

tippy teapot

With Joe
With Joe
With Joe is a British electropop artist and songwriter who has a goal; to create shared, emotional experiences between other people through music. You know the feeling where you are right in the middle of the crowd and everyone is screaming along with the artist and moving as one? Yeah, that one.
Originally a classically trained-pianist and inspired by; Lorde, twenty one pilots, Charli XCX, and Troye Sivan. He’s leaning into his self-doubts as a musician by live-streaming his solo songwriting sessions for a growing audience on Twitch and learning more every day as a songwriter, musician, and artist."

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get home until 10 minutes after 12 tonight, so I am a scratch from the start. I have a song, no accompaniment and it isn't recorded yet. Maybe it can be added to the final record.
    The BMX Nationals were pretty good- we were there from Thursday to Late Sunday night. I'll try and make it to tomorrow nights listening party
