Monday, March 21, 2022

ST19.1 Listening Party and Deadline News

Congratulations to all contestants who made it into Round 1 by the deadline. We have 31 official entries* and, as of now, no shadows. Anyone who missed the deadline is welcome to submit a shadow entry but will be ineligible to officially compete, and it might not make it on the Listening Party, depending on when it is sent in - but all shadows will be included on the Bandcamp album.

What's that about a Listening Party? Tommy G will be playing all the songs on YouTube live tonight at 9 pm EDT. Drop in, join the live chat, hear some world premieres! The album will also be available to download on Bandcamp when the Listening Party begins.

Follow this link to the Listening Party, or use the YouTube player embedded below:

*For our purposes, 31 is a nice round number because, barring ties on the threshold, it means 9 acts will be eliminated in each of the first three rounds (but still subject to potential shadow reinstatement if an eligible entrant misses the deadline!). Our elimination schedule will be as follows:

Round 1: 9 acts eliminated, 22 move on
Round 2: 9 acts eliminated, 13 move on
Round 3: 9 acts eliminated, 4 move on
Round 4: 3 acts eliminated, 1 Champion crowned!

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